#data-analysis #radio #web-api #google-drive #http #http-client #api

bin+lib wspr_cdk

This crate provides an abstraction that allows you to do analysis on wspr's real time spot data

12 releases

0.0.12 Jun 11, 2024
0.0.11 Jun 11, 2024
0.0.5 May 31, 2024

#248 in HTTP server


548 lines


wspr_cdk provides an abstraction for accessing and analyzing WSPR (Weak Signal Propagation Reporter) real-time spot data. This crate allows you to perform queries and fetch data from the WSPR database with ease.


When running the application, ensure that the service_account.json file has been set up correctly. This file contains the authentication credentials needed to access the Google Drive API.

  • If this file is missing or incorrectly configured, you will encounter an authentication error when attempting to upload files to Google Drive.

Here's a step-by-step guide to ensure proper setup:

  1. Create a Service Account:
  • Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  • Navigate to the IAM & Admin > Service Accounts page.
  • Click "Create Service Account".
  • Fill out the necessary details and click "Create".
  1. Generate a JSON Key:
  • After creating the service account, click on the service account you created.
  • Go to the "Keys" tab.
  • Click "Add Key", then select "Create new key".
  • Choose JSON as the key type and click "Create". This will download a JSON file containing your credentials.
  1. Provide Necessary Permissions:
  • Ensure that the service account has the required permissions to access Google Drive. You can grant the necessary permissions by assigning the appropriate roles to the service account.
  1. Configure Environment:
  • Place the downloaded service_account.json file in the appropriate location accessible to your application. Ensure that the file is named exactly service_account.json.
  • If running the application in a Docker container, make sure the service_account.json file is mounted into the container at runtime.

Running the Project in a Development Container

You can run the wspr_cdk project in a Development Container, ensuring that the setup process only requires Docker to be installed on your system. This simplifies the setup and provides a consistent development environment.

Mounting the service_account.json File into the Docker Container

To run the containerized application securely while using a Google Cloud service account, you can mount your service_account.json file directly into the container. This ensures that the sensitive credentials are not included in the Docker image but are available to the application at runtime.

You can do this by using the -v flag to mount the service_account.json file into the container and the -e flag to set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. The following command demonstrates how to run the container with the necessary configurations:

sudo docker run -it -p 8000:8000 -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/wspr_cdk/service_account.json -v ./service_account.json:/wspr_cdk/service_account.json wspr_cdk python ./hyper/hyper/server.py --interval 10 --num_rows 10
  • -p 8000:8000: Maps port 8000 on your local machine to port 8000 on the container.
  • -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/wspr_cdk/service_account.json: Sets the environment variable to point to the service account JSON file inside the container.
  • -v ./service_account.json:/wspr_cdk/service_account.json: Mounts the local service_account.json file to /wspr_cdk/service_account.json inside the container.
  • wspr_cdk: The name of the Docker image.
  • python ./hyper/hyper/server.py --interval 10 --num_rows 10: The command to run the Python server with the specified interval.

By using this method, you ensure that your service account credentials are securely provided to the container at runtime without being part of the Docker image.

These steps should ensure that the service_account.json file is correctly set up, thus allowing the server module to authenticate with Google Cloud successfully and avoid encountering the authentication error mentioned.


  • Fetch WSPR spot data in various formats (JSON, JSONCompact, JSONEachRow)
  • Easy integration with Tokio for asynchronous operations
  • Abstractions to manage session state and dispatch actions to the ClickHouse client
  • Server component for accessing and sharing real-time data via HTTP

Upcoming Features

  • Mutual TLS for secure client-server communications
  • SSL (OpenSSL) support for encrypted data transfer


To use this crate, add wspr_cdk to your Cargo.toml:

wspr_cdk = "0.0.12"

Environment Variable

Before using the crate, ensure you set the following environment variable:

export BASE_URL=http://db1.wspr.live/


  • To run the Python server, use:
docker run -it wspr_cdk python ./hyper/hyper/server.py --interval 5 --num_rows 5
  • To run the Rust server, use:
docker run -e ROCKET_ADDRESS= -e ROCKET_PORT=8000 -it wspr_cdk rust

Here are some examples of how to use the wspr_cdk crate:


use chrono::NaiveDateTime;
use wspr::{services::prelude::*, state::prelude::*};

async fn main() {
    // Initialize the ClickHouse client state
    let mut state = ClickHouseClient::init();
    let session = session_manager::SessionManager::new();

    // Dispatch a GET request to fetch data in JSON format
    ClickHouseClient::dispatch(&mut state, ClickHouseAction::Get, "10", "JSON").await;

    // Print the state after fetching data
    println!("\n{:#?}\n", state);

    // Example of fetching data by ID
    ClickHouseClient::dispatch(&mut state, ClickHouseAction::GetById(1));
    println!("\n[OUTPUT]: {:?}", state);

    // Example of serializing response to JSON
    let json_response = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&response).unwrap();
    println!("{}", json_response);

Example Query

wget -q -O - "http://db1.wspr.live/?query=SELECT * FROM wspr.rx LIMIT 5 FORMAT JSON;"

Sample Output

Fetching all records...

ClickHouseState {
    DATA: [
        WsprSpot {
            id: 7766261671,
            time: 2024-05-29T17:30:00,
            band: -1,
            rx_sign: "F6CWA",
            rx_lat: 48.021,
            rx_lon: -4.125,
            rx_loc: "IN78wa",
            tx_sign: "DL7NN",
    STATUS: "Fetching all records.",

Server Component

The server component allows you to access and share real-time WSPR data via HTTP. Below is a snippet of the server component source code:

extern crate rocket;

use anyhow::Error;
use rocket::http::Status;
use rocket::response::{content, status};
use rocket::serde::json::Json;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::result::Result::{Err, Ok};

// Required [modules].
use wspr_cdk::{services::prelude::*, state::prelude::*};

/// Get all <wspr> spots.
async fn get_wspr_spots() -> Result<Json<Vec<WsprSpot>>, status::Custom<String>> {
    let mut state = ClickHouseClient::init();
    let _session = session_manager::SessionManager::new();

    match ClickHouseClient::dispatch(&mut state, ClickHouseAction::Get, "10", "JSON").await {
        Ok(Some(spots)) => Ok(Json(spots)),
        Ok(None) => Err(status::Custom(Status::NotFound, "No spots found".into())),
        Err(e) => Err(status::Custom(
            format!("Failed to fetch spots: {:?}", e),

async fn rocket() -> _ {
    rocket::build().mount("/", routes![get_wspr_spots])

Sample cURL Request

To fetch WSPR spots using the server component, you can use the following cURL command:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/api/spots

Client-Side Usage Example

You can also fetch WSPR data using client-side JavaScript. Here is a sample implementation:

<!doctype html>
    <title>WSPR Spots</title>
    <div id="demo"></div>

      const content = document.getElementById("demo");
      async function getData() {
        let response = await fetch("http://localhost:8000/api/spots");
        let raw = await response.json();

        for (let i of raw) {
          content.innerHTML += `
                    <h2>Spot id: ${i.id}</h2>
                    <p>Time: ${i.time}</p>
                    <p>Band: ${i.band}</p>

WSPR Guidelines

Disclaimer: The dataset contains the raw spot data as reported, saved, and published by wsprnet.org. Therefore, there might be duplicates, false spots, and other errors in the data. Keep this in mind when you see something strange. You are allowed to use the services provided on wspr.live for your own research and projects, as long as the results are accessible free of charge for everyone. You are NOT allowed to use this service for any commercial or profit-oriented use cases. The complete WSPR infrastructure is maintained by volunteers in their spare time, so there are no guarantees on the correctness, availability, or stability of these services.


This project is licensed under the BSD License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit issues or pull requests as needed. Ensure that your contributions comply with the licensing and guidelines set forth.


Special thanks to the WSPR community for providing access to the data and maintaining the infrastructure.

Docker Image

The wspr_cdk is also available as a Docker image:

docker pull lexaraprime/wspr_cdk:master

You can find it on Docker Hub: lexaraprime/wspr_cdk

This documentation is also available as a crate on crates.io


~332K SLoC