Cargo Features

wick-config = { version = "0.28.0", default-features = false, features = ["config", "v1", "v0"] }
default = config, v0, v1

These default features are set whenever wick-config is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

config default = asset-container, async-recursion, derive-asset-container, derive_builder, flow-component, glob, liquid-json, normpath, once_cell, option-utils, parking_lot, property, tracing, url, wick-asset-reference, wick-packet, wildmatch

Enables std of flow-expression-parser

Affects error::ReferenceError, error::BuilderError, wick-config::audit, wick-config::lockdown, wick-config::config, traits::ExpandImports, traits::Imports, traits::RootConfig

v1 default = flow-expression-parser, liquid-json, num-traits, serde-value, serde_with

Affects wick-config::v1

v0 default = flow-expression-parser, liquid-json, num-traits, serde-value, serde-with-expand-env

Affects wick-config::v0

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

flow-expression-parser config v0 v1
liquid-json config v0 v1

Enables liquid-json

config + v1 + v0

flow-component config

Enables flow-component


wick-packet config
url config
wick-asset-reference config
derive-asset-container config
asset-container config
tracing config
derive_builder config

Enables derive_builder ^0.12

glob config
parking_lot config
option-utils config
property config
normpath config
async-recursion config
wildmatch config
once_cell config
num-traits v0 v1

Enables num-traits

v1 & v0

serde_with v1

Enables serde_with


serde-value v0 v1

Enables serde-value


serde-with-expand-env v0