#coordinates #addresses #convert #parameters #language #locale #client


This is a client for What3Words v3 API, allowing you to convert coordinates to three-word addresses and vice versa

2 releases

0.1.1 Nov 15, 2023
0.1.0 Nov 13, 2023

#17 in #addresses

Download history 7/week @ 2024-02-17 22/week @ 2024-02-24 1/week @ 2024-03-02 7/week @ 2024-03-09 1/week @ 2024-03-16 30/week @ 2024-03-30 3/week @ 2024-04-06 22/week @ 2024-04-20

55 downloads per month

GPL-3.0 license

370 lines


This is a Rust client for the What3Words API, allowing you to convert coordinates to three-word addresses and vice versa. This client is based on the provided API documention on the What3Words website.

This crate can be found on crates.io as the crate what3words.


The following endpoints have been implemented:

  • Convert coordinates to 3words addresses;
  • Convert 3words addresses to coordinates;
  • Autosuggest 3words addresses based on given parameters;
  • Retrieve a list of the coordinates of all what3words squares in a given rectangle which is defined by the coordinates of the southwestern and norteastern points;
  • Retrieve the available languages and locales.



Import the library and create a W3WClient instance.

use what3words::W3WClient;

fn main {
    let w3_client = W3WClient::new("<your API key>");

Convert coordinates to what3words address

Fetch response

This code snippet fetches the entire response of the GET call to the endpoint /convert-to-w3a.

use what3words::{Coordinate, W3WClient, ConvertTo3WAOptions};

fn main {
    let w3_client = W3WClient::new("<your API key>");
    let coordinates = Coordinate {
        latitude: 50.830005,
        longitude: 4.329982,
    let resp = w3_client.convert_to_3wa(&coordinates, &ConvertTo3WAOptions::default());

This call fetches a what3word address for the coordinates (50.830005, 4.329982). We also give the optional parameter language which we set to Some("en"), this will return us a 3 word value in the provided language (in our case English, which is de default).

The optional format parameter can be either "json" (default) or "geojson".

The locale is used to specify a variant of a specific language. All supported languages and locales can be fetched with the W3WClient::available_languages() call.

Fetch JSON

use what3words::{Coordinate, W3WClient, ConvertTo3WAOptions};

fn main {
    let w3_client = W3WClient::new("<your API key>");
    let coordinates = Coordinate {
        latitude: 50.830005,
        longitude: 4.329982,
    let resp = w3_client.convert_to_3wa_json(&coordinates, &ConvertTo3WAOptions::default());

This function only fetches the JSON body of the response. This JSON body is of type serde_json::Value, so the result of this call is Result<Value, Response>.

Fetch string

Only the 3word address can be fetched as well:

use what3words::{Coordinate, W3WClient, ConvertTo3WAOptions};

fn main {
    let w3_client = W3WClient::new("<your API key>");
    let coordinates = Coordinate {
        latitude: 50.830005,
        longitude: 4.329982,
    let resp = w3_client.convert_to_3wa_string(&coordinates, &ConvertTo3WAOptions::default());

Which will result in a Result<String, Response>.

Convert what3word address to coordinates

Fetch response

This code snippet fetches the entire response of the GET call to the endpoint /convert-to-coordinates.

use what3words::W3WClient;

fn main {
    let w3_client = W3WClient::new("<your API key>");
    let words: &str = "fight.offer.airbag";
    let resp = w3_client.convert_to_coordinates(words, &ConvertToCoordinatesOptions::default());

Conversion from 3word address to coordinates can be done this way. In the above example we also provide the format parameter, but no locale parameter.

Fetch JSON

use what3words::W3WClient;

fn main {
    let w3_client = W3WClient::new("<your API key>");
    let words: &str = "fight.offer.airbag";
    let resp = w3_client.convert_to_coordinates_json(words, &ConvertToCoordinatesOptions::default());

This way we can fetch the response body JSON, so the returned object is of type Result<Value, Respones>.

Fetch floats

Fetching only the floats can be done like this:

use what3words::W3WClient;

fn main {
    let w3_client = W3WClient::new("<your API key>");
    let words: &str = "fight.offer.airbag";
    let resp = w3_client.convert_to_coordinates_floats(words, &ConvertToCoordinatesOptions::default());

Which will give us the the latitude and longitude in f64: Result<(f64, f64), Response>


Autosuggest 3word addresses based on provided parameters.

No extra options

let incomplete_three_words: &str = "fight.offer.ai";
let autosuggest_resp = w3_client.autosuggest(incomplete_three_words,

Focus coordinates

Get autosuggstions in order, based on the provided focus point.

let coordinates = Coordinate{
    latitude: 51.0,
    longitude: 4.0
let options = AutoSuggestOptions {
    focus_coordinates: Some(&coordinates),
let autosuggest_resp = w3_client.autosuggest(incomplete_three_words, &options);


Get autosuggestions within a given circle.

let coordinates = Coordinate {
    latitude: 51.0,
    longitude: 4.0
let circle = Circle {
    centerpoint: &coordinates,
    radius: 35.0
let options = AutoSuggestOptions {
    circle: Some(&circle),
let autosuggest_resp = w3_client.autosuggest(incomplete_three_words, &options);


Restricts AutoSuggest to only return results inside the countries specified by comma-separated list of uppercase ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes (for example, to restrict to Belgium and the UK, use clip-to-country=GB,BE). Clip-to-country will also accept lowercase country codes. Entries must be two a-z letters. WARNING: If the two-letter code does not correspond to a country, there is no error: API simply returns no results.

let countries = vec!["GB", "BE"];
let options = AutoSuggestOptions {
    countries: Some(&countries),
let resp = w3_client.autosuggest_json(incomplete_three_words, &options);


Restrict AutoSuggest results to a bounding box, specified by coordinates. Coordinate(south_lat,west_lng),Coordinate(north_lat,east_lng), where: south_lat less than or equal to north_latwest_lng less than or equal to east_lng. In other words, latitudes and longitudes should be specified order of increasing size. Lng is allowed to wrap, so that you can specify bounding boxes which cross the ante-meridian: -4,178.2,22,195.4

let coordinate_sw = Coordinate {
    latitude: -4.0,
    longitude: 178.2
let coordinate_ne = Coordinate {
    latitude: 22.0,
    longitude: 195.4
let bounding_box = BoundingBox {
    south_west: &coordinate_sw,
    north_east: &coordinate_ne
let options = AutoSuggestOptions {
    bounding_box: Some(&bounding_box),
let resp = w3_client.autosuggest_json(incomplete_three_words, &options);


Restrict AutoSuggest results to a polygon, specified by a comma-separated list of lat,lng pairs. The API is currently limited to accepting up to 25 pairs.

let coordinates1 = Coordinate {
    latitude: 51.521,
    longitude: -0.343,
let coordinates2 = Coordinate {
    latitude: 52.6,
    longitude: 2.3324,
let coordinates3 = Coordinate {
    latitude: 54.234,
    longitude: 8.343,
let polygon: Polygon = Polygon {
    coordinates: vec![&coordinates1, &coordinates2, &coordinates3],
let options = AutoSuggestOptions {
    polygon: Some(&polygon),
let resp = w3_client.autosuggest_json(incomplete_three_words, &options);


The optional parameters of most calls can be given through some Options structs:

  • Options for convert_to_3wa calls can be given through the ConvertTo3WAOptions.
  • Options for convert-to-coordinates calls can be given through the ConvertToCoordinatesOptions.
  • Options for autosuggest calls can be given through the AutoSuggestOptions.
  • Options for grid_section calls can be given through the GridSectionOptions.
use what3words::{AutoSuggestOptions, ConvertTo3WAOptions, ConvertToCoordinatesOptions, Coordinate, GridSectionOptions};

fn main {
    let convert_to_3wa_options1 = ConvertTo3WAOptions {
        language: Some("nl"), // If unspecified, the what3words API defaults to "en"

    let convert_to_3wa_options2 = ConvertTo3WAOptions {
        format: Some("geojson"), // If unspecified, the what3words API defaults to "json"
        language: Some("zh"),
        locale: Some("zh_tr")

    let convert_to_coordinates_options1 = ConvertToCoordinatesOptions {
        format: Some("geojson"),

    let convert_to_coordinates_options2 = ConvertToCoordinatesOptions {
        format: Some("geojson"),
        locale: Some("zh_tr")

    let autosuggest_options1 = AutoSuggestOptions {
        focus_coordinates: Some(&Coordinate{latitude: 51.0, longitude: 4.0}),
        countries: Some(&vec!["BE", "GB"]),

    let grid_section_options1 = GridSectionOptions {
        format: Some("geojson")

Available languages

The available languages and locales can be fetched with the available_languages method.

Available languages response

use what3words::W3WClient;

fn main() {
    let w3_client = W3WClient::new("<your API key>");
    let resp = w3_client.available_languages();

Available languages JSON

use what3words::W3WClient;

fn main() {
    let w3_client = W3WClient::new("<your API key>");
    let resp = w3_client.available_languages_json();


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