#tool #shell #utility #cli

app wenmoon

Your crypto portfolio and terminal together at last

6 releases (3 breaking)

0.3.0 Apr 1, 2024
0.2.0 Mar 4, 2024
0.1.0 Mar 3, 2024
0.0.3 Feb 27, 2024

#166 in Filesystem

Download history 15/week @ 2024-03-13 126/week @ 2024-03-27 40/week @ 2024-04-03 36/week @ 2024-04-24

409 downloads per month


553 lines

Wen moon?

GitHub Actions CI Workflow Status GitHub Actions Release Workflow Status Crates.io Version

Your crypto portfolio and terminal together at last 🤝

wen moon?


From cargo

cargo install wenmoon --locked

Build from source

git clone https://github.com/shapeshed/wenmoon
cd wenmoon
cargo install --path .


The following are supported as data providers


Obtain a CoinMarketCap API key. Create a file at ~/.config/wenmoon/config.yml. Ticker values can be found by searching on CoinMarketCap.

amount and entry_price are optional fields if you want to compute the value and P&L of your position.

  api_key: [YOUR_API_KEY_HERE]
  - ticker: AAVE
    amount: 100.02
    entry_price: 100.02
  - ticker: MATIC
    amount: 0.643
    entry_price: 1.22
  - ticker: SOL
    amount: 98.45
    entry_price: 150
  - ticker: OSMO
    amount: 265.84
    entry_price: 1.45
  - ticker: KUJI
    amount: 1053.34
    entry_price: 3.95


Obtain a CoinGecko API key. Create a file at ~/.config/wenmoon/config.yml. Ticker values can be found by searching for the coin on CoinGecko and finding the API ID field under Info.

amount and entry_price are optional fields if you want to compute the value and P&L of your position.

  api_key: [YOUR_API_KEY_HERE]
  - ticker: aave
    amount: 100.02
    entry_price: 100.02
  - ticker: matic-network
    amount: 0.643
    entry_price: 1.22
  - ticker: solana
    amount: 98.45
    entry_price: 150
  - ticker: osmosis
    amount: 265.84
    entry_price: 1.45
  - ticker: kujira
    amount: 1053.34
    entry_price: 3.95


Vanilla usage. Will read file from ~/.config/wenmoon/config.yml


Custom config file. Pass the -c flag followed by the path to the file

wenmoon -c ./path/to/custom/config.yml

Multiple portfolios and watchlists using different files

wenmoon -c ~/.config/wenmoon/watchlist.yml
wenmoon -c ~/.config/wenmoon/shitcoins.yml
wenmoon -c ~/.config/wenmoon/vegas_fund.yml

Sorting the list on hourly, daily, weekly and monthly change

wenmoon -s h
wenmoon -s d
wenmoon -s w
wenmoon -s m

If your list is long and you just want to see a single price wenmoon plays nice with UNIX tools such as grep or ripgrep.

wenmoon | grep BTC
wenmoon | rg BTC


~539K SLoC