#web-worker #thread #future #browser #executor #tasks #await


Run futures from web workers on the main browser thread

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Apr 28, 2023

#1872 in Asynchronous

22 downloads per month
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100 lines


Run futures on the main browser thread

Crates.io Docs.rs

Certain tasks, like creating an AudioContext or RtcPeerConnection, can only be performed on the main browser thread. wasm_main_executor provides an easy way to send futures to the main browser thread from any context. This allows web workers to spawn main-threaded tasks and await their completion, and facilitates the implementation of cross-thread polyfills/shims.


The following is a simple example of executor usage:

async fn test_future() -> i32 {
    // Do some async or main-threaded work...

// Start the executor. This must be called from the main browser thread.

// Futures may be spawned on background threads using the executor.
// The future runs on the main thread.
let fut = wasm_main_executor::spawn(test_future());

// A future is returned which may be awaited on the background thread.
assert_eq!(2, futures::executor::block_on(fut));


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