#webassembly #wasi #wascc #logging


Structured logging capability provider for the waSCC host runtime

3 releases (breaking)

0.8.0 Jan 13, 2021
0.7.0 Jun 4, 2020
0.6.0 Apr 3, 2020

#1363 in WebAssembly

28 downloads per month


103 lines

crates.io  Rust  license  documentation

waSCC Logging Provider

This library is a native capability provider for the wascc:logging capability. Only actors signed with tokens containing this capability privilege will be allowed to use it. It allows actors to use normal log macros (like info!, warn!, error!, etc, to write logs from within the actor.

It should be compiled as a native linux (.so) binary and made available to the waSCC host runtime as a plugin.

If you want to statically link (embed) this capability provider into a custom host, then enable the static_plugin feature in your dependencies as follows:

wascc-logging = { version="??", features = ["static_plugin"] }


~104K SLoC