Volatile is used at run time in 105 crates (of which 5 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 25 crates. It's used at build time in 1 crate (). It's used only as a dev dependency in 2 crates.

Number of dependers Volatile version Downloads/month
3 0.6.1 1.7K
1 0.5.4 47
77 0.4.6 53K
14 0.3.0 5.8K
12 0.2.7 11K
1 0.1.0 420
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Volatile version
58K 59 x86_64 ^0.4.4
2.4K 1 virtio-spec ^0.6
1.9K 3 rustpython-common ^0.3
320 1 ostd ^0.4.5
220 ember_os ^0.2.6
200 libertyos_kernel ^0.2.6
140 pluggable_interrupt_os ^0.3
130 3 mango-hal ^0.3.0
1 rs64-periph ^0.2.3
rusty-os ^0.2.6
rustduino ^0.2.3
lambdaOS ^0.1.0
rustos ^0.2
mars_vga ^0.2.5
vga_buffer_rs ^0.2
amongos ^0.2.6
bottleos ^0.2.6
svd_board ^0.2.0
cobalt_os ^0.2.0
neutron_kernel ^0.4.4
1 doubly-linked-list ^0.4.4
e1000-driver ^0.3.0
1 hos_kernel ^0.2.6
intel82599_hal ^0.2.7
std3 optional ^0.4.5
19K 11 bilge dev ^0.5.1
2.5K 2 volatile-macro dev =0.6.0