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#1337 in Hardware support
521 lines
This crate enables the user to create a simple operating system by supplying interrupt handlers for the timer and the keyboard. As time and energy permit, I may add other interrupt handlers that seem useful.
I developed this crate to support assignments in the operating systems course at Hendrix College. It provides a nice introduction to bare-metal programming. It has not been "battle-tested" in a production domain.
The code is heavily derivative of the examples from the outstanding resource Writing an Operating System in Rust. I would like to gratefully acknowledge Philipp Oppermann's efforts to create this resource. Comments in each source file specify which code elements I have adopted from him.
Before attempting to use this crate:
- Read the following tutorials. In fact, don't just read them; work through them!
- Install the following software:
- Set up the following files as described in the tutorials:
- x86_64-blog_os.json
- .cargo/config.toml
- Cargo.toml (and also here)
Having read and understood the ideas from the above tutorials, you can use this crate to create your own Pluggable Interrupt Operating System (PIOS).
Simple Example
Here is a very basic example (found in main.rs
in this crate):
use pc_keyboard::DecodedKey;
use pluggable_interrupt_os::HandlerTable;
fn tick() {
fn key(key: DecodedKey) {
match key {
DecodedKey::Unicode(character) => print!("{}", character),
DecodedKey::RawKey(key) => print!("{:?}", key),
pub extern "C" fn _start() -> ! {
In this example, we begin with our interrupt handlers. The tick() handler prints a period on every timer event, and the key() handler displays the character typed whenever the key is pressed. The _start() function kicks everything off by placing references to these two functions in a HandlerTable object. Invoking .start() on the HandlerTable starts execution. The PIOS sits back and loops endlessly, relying on the event handlers to perform any events of interest or importance.
More Elaborate Example
I have created a
simple but more elaborate example
that you can use as a template for your own projects. It includes the
and x86_64-blog_os.json
files described in the tutorials. Once the other components are installed, it should be ready
to run.
It demonstrates a simple interactive program that uses both keyboard and timer interrupts.
When the user types a viewable key, it is added to a string in the middle of the screen.
When the user types an arrow key, the string begins moving in the indicated direction.
Here is its main.rs
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use spin::Mutex;
use pc_keyboard::DecodedKey;
use pluggable_interrupt_template::LetterMover;
use pluggable_interrupt_os::HandlerTable;
pub extern "C" fn _start() -> ! {
lazy_static! {
static ref LETTERS: Mutex<LetterMover> = Mutex::new(LetterMover::new());
fn tick() {
fn key(key: DecodedKey) {
I created the LetterMover
to represent the application state. It is wrapped in a Mutex and initialized using
lazy_static! to ensure safe access. Nearly
any nontrivial program will need to make use of this design pattern.
The tick() function calls the LetterMover::tick()
method after unlocking the object.
Similarly, the key() function calls the LetterMover::key()
method, again after unlocking
the object.
Here is the rest of its code, found in its lib.rs
#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
use bare_metal_modulo::{ModNum, ModNumIterator};
use pluggable_interrupt_os::vga_buffer::{BUFFER_WIDTH, BUFFER_HEIGHT, plot, ColorCode, Color, is_drawable};
use pc_keyboard::{DecodedKey, KeyCode};
use num::traits::SaturatingAdd;
pub struct LetterMover {
letters: [char; BUFFER_WIDTH],
num_letters: ModNum<usize>,
next_letter: ModNum<usize>,
col: ModNum<usize>,
row: ModNum<usize>,
dx: ModNum<usize>,
dy: ModNum<usize>
impl LetterMover {
pub fn new() -> Self {
LetterMover {
letters: ['A'; BUFFER_WIDTH],
num_letters: ModNum::new(1, BUFFER_WIDTH),
next_letter: ModNum::new(1, BUFFER_WIDTH),
col: ModNum::new(BUFFER_WIDTH / 2, BUFFER_WIDTH),
dx: ModNum::new(0, BUFFER_WIDTH),
dy: ModNum::new(0, BUFFER_HEIGHT)
This data structure represents the letters the user has typed, the total number of typed letters,
the position of the next letter to type, the position of the string, and its motion. Initially,
the string consists of the letter A
, motionless, and situated in the middle of the screen.
The ModNum
data type represents an integer
(modulo m). It is very useful for keeping all of these values within the constraints of the
VGA buffer.
fn letter_columns(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=usize> {
.map(|m| m.a())
Also from the bare_metal_modulo crate, the
data type starts at the specified value and loops around through the ring.
In this case, it takes just enough values to represent all of the columns to use when plotting
our string. Using ModNum
ensures that all the column values are legal and wrap around
pub fn tick(&mut self) {
fn clear_current(&self) {
for x in self.letter_columns() {
plot(' ', x, self.row.a(), ColorCode::new(Color::Black, Color::Black));
fn update_location(&mut self) {
self.col += self.dx;
self.row += self.dy;
fn draw_current(&self) {
for (i, x) in self.letter_columns().enumerate() {
plot(self.letters[i], x, self.row.a(), ColorCode::new(Color::Cyan, Color::Black));
On each tick:
- Clear the current string.
- Update its position.
- Redraw the string in its new location.
pub fn key(&mut self, key: DecodedKey) {
match key {
DecodedKey::RawKey(code) => self.handle_raw(code),
DecodedKey::Unicode(c) => self.handle_unicode(c)
fn handle_raw(&mut self, key: KeyCode) {
match key {
KeyCode::ArrowLeft => {
self.dx -= 1;
KeyCode::ArrowRight => {
self.dx += 1;
KeyCode::ArrowUp => {
self.dy -= 1;
KeyCode::ArrowDown => {
self.dy += 1;
_ => {}
fn handle_unicode(&mut self, key: char) {
if is_drawable(key) {
self.letters[self.next_letter.a()] = key;
self.next_letter += 1;
self.num_letters = self.num_letters.saturating_add(&ModNum::new(1, self.num_letters.m()));
The keyboard handler receives each character as it is typed. Keys representable as a char
are added to the moving string. The arrow keys change how the string is moving.
Running Background Code - An Alternative Solution to Concurrent Data Access
The code contained in the function given to the .cpu_loop()
method will execute whenever
interrupts are not triggered. This option leads to an alternative implementation of
concurrent access to the central data structure. Rather than using a spinlock Mutex
the central data structure can instead be a local variable in the cpu_loop
Information about interrupts can be stored and accessed using AtomicCell
objects from
the crossbeam
Note that this approach enables the creation of more general programs than the previous
approach, as arbitrary code can run in the cpu_loop
while awaiting interrupts.
The code below is an updated version of the main.rs
in the previous example that employs this
alternate approach. The lib.rs
code from above works unchanged with this alternative version.
use pc_keyboard::DecodedKey;
use pluggable_interrupt_os::HandlerTable;
use pluggable_interrupt_os::vga_buffer::clear_screen;
use pluggable_interrupt_template::LetterMover;
use crossbeam::atomic::AtomicCell;
pub extern "C" fn _start() -> ! {
static LAST_KEY: AtomicCell<Option<DecodedKey>> = AtomicCell::new(None);
static TICKS: AtomicCell<usize> = AtomicCell::new(0);
fn cpu_loop() -> ! {
let mut kernel = LetterMover::new();
let mut last_tick = 0;
loop {
if let Some(key) = LAST_KEY.load() {
let current_tick = TICKS.load();
if current_tick > last_tick {
last_tick = current_tick;
fn tick() {
fn key(key: DecodedKey) {
fn startup() {
Concluding Thoughts
As we can see from these examples, the capabilities of your PIOS will be limited to handling keyboard and timer events and displaying text in the VGA buffer. Within that scope, however, you can achieve quite a lot. I personally enjoyed recreating a version of a well-known 1980s arcade classic.
This is a pedagogical experiment. I would be interested to hear from anyone who finds this useful or has suggestions.
- See CHANGELOG.md for updates.
Licensed under
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be licensed as above without any additional terms or conditions.
~37K SLoC