#security #numbers #part #secure-random #generator #safe


Secure Random Number Generation. Part of the Vitamin-C cryptographic suite.

2 releases

new 0.1.0-pre2 Sep 17, 2024

#786 in Cryptography

23 downloads per month

MIT license

1.5K SLoC

Vitamin C Random

Crates.io Workflow Status

A carefully designed random number generator that is safe to use for cryptographic purposes.

This crate is part of the Vitamin C framework to make cryptography code healthy.

Bounded Random Numbers

The BoundedRng trait provides a way to generate random numbers within a specific range.

use vitaminc_random::{BoundedRng, SafeRand, SeedableRng};

let mut rng = SafeRand::from_entropy();
let value: u32 = rng.next_bounded(10);
assert!(value <= 10);

Or using a Protected value:

use vitaminc_protected::{Controlled, Protected};
use vitaminc_random::{BoundedRng, SafeRand, SeedableRng};

let mut rng = SafeRand::from_entropy();
let value: Protected<u32> = rng.next_bounded(Protected::new(10));
assert!(value.risky_unwrap() <= 10);


Vitamin C is brought to you by the team at CipherStash.

License: MIT


~73K SLoC