#serial-port #serial #serial-communication #testing #simulation #baud-rate


Simulates serial ports for testing. Designed to work with the serialport crate for virtual serial communication.

2 releases

0.1.1 Aug 10, 2024
0.1.0 Aug 10, 2024

#718 in Hardware support

Download history 192/week @ 2024-08-10 7/week @ 2024-08-17

199 downloads per month

MIT license

464 lines

Virtual Serial Port

The Serial Port Simulator (virtual port) is designed to work alongside the serialport crate. It supports reading from and writing to the port using internal buffers, with optional timeout functionality.

The simulator also allows configuring standard serial port parameters, such as:

  • baud rate
  • data bits
  • parity
  • stop bits
  • flow control

Additional features include:

  • Control Signal Simulation: Simulates control signals (RTS/CTS, DTR/DSR/CD). Note that actual flow control based on these signals is not implemented.

  • Transmission Delay Simulation: When enabled, simulates transmission delay based on the baud rate. This is implemented in a simplified manner by adding a fixed delay for each symbol read (the delay is calculated according to the baud rate).

  • Noise Simulation: If enabled, simulates noise when the physical settings (baud rate, data bits, parity, and stop bits) of paired ports do not match. This helps test how the system handles corrupted or invalid data under mismatched configurations.

Example Usage

Loopback Example

use std::io::{Read, Write};

use virtual_serialport::VirtualPort;

let mut port = VirtualPort::open_loopback(9600, 1024).unwrap();
let write_data = b"hello";
let mut read_data = [0u8; 5];

port.read_exact(&mut read_data).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&read_data, write_data);

Pair Example

use std::io::{Read, Write};

use virtual_serialport::VirtualPort;

let (mut port1, mut port2) = VirtualPort::open_pair(9600, 1024).unwrap();
let write_data = b"hello";
let mut read_data = [0u8; 5];

port2.read_exact(&mut read_data).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&read_data, write_data);

More examples can be found in the examples folder in the root of this repository.


~48K SLoC