#geolocation #tide #api #geolib #vincenty

app vincenty-rs

Expose API for calculating distance using vincenty formulae

7 stable releases

1.0.6 Jan 29, 2022
1.0.5 Jan 27, 2022
1.0.4 Jan 26, 2022
1.0.1 Jan 25, 2022
1.0.0 Jan 24, 2022

#15 in #geolocation

24 downloads per month


255 lines



Expose API endpoint for calculating distance using vincenty formulae.

Notably, it allows you to input src and dst as query parameters, where either can be a permutation of:

  1. latitude,longitude (as floating points)
  2. H3 indices as String
  3. H3 indices as u64

An instance of this API with front-end written in yew is available at vincenty.vihu.dev

Check the examples for more usage information.


Start the tide server with cargo run --release

API Example

  • With lat,lng as src and dst:
$ http GET http://localhost:5000/distance\?src\="42.3541165,-71.0693514"\&dst\="40.7791472, -73.9680804" --body
    "data": {
        "distance": 298.396186,
        "dst": {
            "lat": 40.7791472,
            "lng": -73.9680804
        "src": {
            "lat": 42.3541165,
            "lng": -71.0693514
  • With h3 string indices as src and dst:
$ http GET http://localhost:5000/distance\?src\="8c2a306638701ff"\&dst\="8c2a100894435ff" --body
    "data": {
        "distance": 298.394459,
        "dst": {
            "lat": 40.7791617074961,
            "lng": -73.96812482164383
        "src": {
            "lat": 42.35408591768187,
            "lng": -71.06937831049969
  • With h3 u64 indices as src and dst:
$ http GET http://localhost:5000/distance\?src\=631246145620214271\&dst\=631243921460311551 --body
    "data": {
        "distance": 298.394459,
        "dst": {
            "lat": 40.7791617074961,
            "lng": -73.96812482164383
        "src": {
            "lat": 42.35408591768187,
            "lng": -71.06937831049969
  • With a mix of h3 string and h3 u64:
$ http GET http://localhost:5000/distance\?src\="8c2a306638701ff"\&dst\=631243921460311551 --body
    "data": {
        "distance": 298.394459,
        "dst": {
            "lat": 40.7791617074961,
            "lng": -73.96812482164383
        "src": {
            "lat": 42.35408591768187,
            "lng": -71.06937831049969
  • With a mix of h3 u64 and lat,lng:
$ http GET http://localhost:5000/distance\?src\="42.3541165,-71.0693514"\&dst\=631243921460311551 --body
    "data": {
        "distance": 298.398222,
        "dst": {
            "lat": 40.7791617074961,
            "lng": -73.96812482164383
        "src": {
            "lat": 42.3541165,
            "lng": -71.0693514


~528K SLoC