3 releases

0.1.2 Sep 11, 2022
0.1.1 Sep 9, 2022
0.1.0 Sep 9, 2022

#1147 in Web programming

Download history 30/week @ 2024-02-26 1/week @ 2024-03-11 43/week @ 2024-04-01 28/week @ 2024-04-15

71 downloads per month

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


👋 Introduce

🦀 rust for vikadata api. To use this crate, it's good for you to understand some vikadata's concept. for example, space, node, datasheet, view, field, record and soon. You can go here, it's vika office produce manual.

Vikadata is a Commercial version of Open Source APITable which added full enterprise-ready features. Vikadata is the on-line visual database. It means that we can save structured data to vikadata by vikadata api, when we want to make some interesting and fun tools. Instead of using heavy database.

🚀 Using

🌌 Firstly, adding vika_community crate to your dependence.

# Cargo.toml
vika_community = "0.1.2"
# or
# vika_community = { git = "https://github.com/y-t99/vika.rust.git" }
serde_json = "1.0"

🌠 Importing the crate, and create the vika_client by your vikadata's token.

use vika_community::*;

let vika_client: VIKAClient= VIKAClient::new("your_token".to_string());

🪐 Querying your all spaces.

let spaces: Vec<Space> = vika_client.spaces.query_all().unwrap();
for space in spaces {
        "the space's id is {} and name is {}. you {} are the space's admin", 
        space.id, space.name, space.is_admin

☁️ You can get the space's all nodes, and query one node's detail information.

let space_id = "spcXxx".to_string();
let node_id = "nodXxx".to_string();
// the space's all nodes
let nodes: Vec<Node> = vika_client
for node in nodes {
        "the node info [id: {}, name: {}, type: {}, icon: {}, isFav: {}]. \nthe node's children is: {:?}",
        node.id, node.name, node.node_type, node.icon, node.is_fav, node.children
// the specified node
let node: Node = vika_client
    "the node info: id: {}, name {}, type {}, icon {}, isFav {} \n. the node's children is: {:?}",
    node.id, node.name, node.node_type, node.icon, node.is_fav, node.children

🌈 The datasheet's field manager.

use serde_json::Value;

let space_id = "spcXxx".to_string();
let datasheet_id = "dstXxx".to_string();
let fields = vika_client
// the new field info
let field_post_req = PostFieldReq::builder()
// the datasheet append the new field
let new_field: PostFieldResp = fields.post(field_post_req).unwrap();
// query the datasheet's all fields info
let fields_value: Vec<Value> = fields.query_all().unwrap();
for field_value in fields_value {
   for field_value in fields_value {
            "the field info [id: {}, name: {}, type: {}] \n the field's property: [{}].",
            field_value["id"], field_value["name"], field_value["type"], field_value["property"]
// delete field by the field's id

☄️ We can crete the datasheet.

let space_id = "spaceXxx".to_string();
let datasheets = vika_client.spaces.space(&space_id).datasheets;
let field_post_req = PostFieldReq::builder()
let datasheet_post_req: PostDatasheetReq = PostDatasheetReq::builder()
let new_datasheet: PostDatasheetsResp = datasheets.post(datasheet_post_req).unwrap();

✨ Query the datasheet's record.

let space_id = "spcXxx".to_string();
let datasheet_id= "dstXxx".to_string();
let records = vika_client
let records_req = GetRecordsReq::builder()
        ("fldXxx".to_string(), Sort::DESC)
let records_resp: GetRecordsResp = records.query(records_req).unwrap();
    "the records' page [current page number.: {}, the page's record size: {}, total number of records that met filter: {}]. \n records: [{:?}]",
    records_resp.page_num, records_resp.page_size, records_resp.total, records_resp.records

🛸 Managing the records.

// add records
let filed_map = vec![
let record = RecordMap::builder()
    .put_string(&filed_map[0], "value".to_string())
    .put_strings(&filed_map[1], vec!["value".to_string()])
let post_records_req = PostRecordsReq::builder()
let post_records_resp: PostRecordsResp = records.post(post_records_req).unwrap();
let record_id = post_records_resp.records[0].record_id.clone();
// update records
let record: RecordMap = RecordMap::builder()
    .put_string(&filed_map[2], "value".to_string())
let patch_records_req: PatchRecordsReq = PatchRecordsReq::builder()
// delete records

🚚 Waiting & Expecting

🛠️. more manager: view manager

👣. better error reporting

💪. more robust low-level code

🛹. easier API

🦀. more rust


~256K SLoC