#json #convert-json #usv #import #import-export #export #stdin

bin+lib usv-to-json

USV to JSON: Convert Unicode Separated Values (USV) to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) for data markup, including for spreadsheets, databases, text files, and more

6 stable releases

1.2.1 Apr 11, 2024
1.2.0 Apr 4, 2024
1.1.1 Mar 26, 2024

#1903 in Encoding

Download history 132/week @ 2024-03-17 234/week @ 2024-03-24 187/week @ 2024-03-31 106/week @ 2024-04-07 7/week @ 2024-04-14

339 downloads per month

MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 OR GPL-3.0

116 lines


Convert Unicode Separated Values (USV) to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). Built with the USV Rust crate.


stdin | usv-to-json | stdout


cat example.usv | usv-to-json

More examples below.


  • -h, --help : Print help

  • -V, --version : Print version

  • -v, --verbose... : Set the verbosity level: 0=none, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug, 5=trace. Example: --verbose …

  • --test : Print test output for debugging, verifying, tracing, and the like. Example: --test



cargo install usv-to-json

Link: https://crates.io/crates/usv-to-json


Suppose example.usv contains:



cat example.usv | usv-to-json



Example with output to a file:

cat example.usv | usv-to-json > example.json


What converters are available?

When to use this command?

Use this command when you want to convert from USV to JSON.

A typical use case is when you have USV data, such as a collection of units and records, and you want to convert it to JSON data, such as for a spreadsheet import.

Our real-world use case is converting a bunch of USV document-oriented data from a variety of programs, including a CMS, to USV so we're better-able to import the data into Excel.

Why use USV instead of JSON?

See the documentation for USV.

Is USV aiming to become a standard?

Yes, USV is submitted to IETF.org as an Internet-Draft work in progress: link.

Can I build my own USV tools?

Yes, and you may freely use the USV RFC and USV Rust crate.

Help wanted

Constructive feedback welcome. Pull requests and feature requests welcome.


  • Package: usv-to-json-rust-crate
  • Version: 1.2.1
  • Created: 2024-03-09T13:33:20Z
  • Updated: 2024-04-11T19:54:23Z
  • License: MIT or Apache-2.0 or GPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0 or contact us for more
  • Contact: Joel Parker Henderson (joel@sixarm.com)


~40K SLoC