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0.5.0 (current) Rating: Positive Thoroughness: Medium Understanding: Medium

by on 2019-10-04

Disclaimer: as far as syscall usage is concerned, this review considers only the behavior on Linux.


  • “unsafe”, “unsafe” everywhere; 32× as of version 0.5.0. Not really avoidable when working closely with C APIs though.
  • C APIs can still be handled incorrectly in the public API, e. g. calling shutdown() twice on one socket. The result is handled safely though even under programmer errors.
  • As of 2019 the code is a bit stale, e. g. it uses the soon to be deprecatedtry!() and thus may not build with a future version of Rust.


  • Excellent API documentation.
  • Minimal dependencies (libc, cfg-if).
  • Use of unsafe is never gratuitous.
  • Public API exposes safe interfaces that ensure correctness on the type level.
  • Thoroughly unit-tested (all tests ok).

general considerations

    • Unix syscalls are handled using two wrappers that convert return values to io::Result.
    • Most uses of unsafe use safe lower level constructs.

unsafe code

There is only one source file,, so all uses of “unsafe” are found there.

    • fn sun_path_offset(): calculates the offset of a struct member using pointer arithmetic. Circumnavigates possible UB (cf. offsetof() is still an unsolved problem in Rust.
    • impl Drop for Inner: obligatory dtor.
    • fn Inner::new(): wraps socket(2); return value handled ok.
    • fn Inner::new_pair(): wraps socketpair(2); return value handled ok; out parameter handled correctly.
    • fn Inter::try_clone(): wraps dup(2); return value handled ok.
    • fn Inner::shutdown(): wraps shutdown(2); return value handled ok; API safe by accepting an enum wrapper over the int how argument.
    • fn Inner::timeout(): wraps getsockopt(2); return value handled ok; out parameter (struct timeval) handled ok.
    • fn Inner::set_timeout(): wraps setsockopt(2); return value handled ok; correct input validation, catching out of range values for time_t argument using saturating arithmetic.
  • ± fn Inner::set_nonblocking(): wraps ioctl(2) with FIONBIO; return value handled ok. Why not use fcntl(2) with O_NONBLOCK instead? Probably to save one syscall? This warrants an explantory comment.

    • fn Inner::take_error(): wraps getsockopt(2); return value handled ok; out parameter ok.
    • unsafe fn sockaddr_un(): initializes a struct sockaddr_un; inputs validated appropriately; raw pointer access provably within bounds.
    • fn SocketAddr::new(): obtains a socket address; for use with getpeername() / getsockname() etc.; return value handled ok (assuming the passed function returns the syscall return value).
    • fn SocketAddr::address(): casts memory of a wrapped type from [char] to [u8]; array bounds are preserved thus subsequent accesses return slices with valid bounds.
    • fn UnixStream::connect()`: public API wrapping socket creation and connect(2)``; arguments obtained from internal APIs deemed safe; return value handled ok.
    • fn UnixStream::local_addr()`: wraps getsockname(2); return value and arguments handled by SocketAddr::new()``.
    • fn UnixStream::peer_addr()`: wraps getpeername(2); return value and arguments handled by SocketAddr::new()``.
    • impl Read for UnixStream, fn read(): wraps recv(2); return value handled ok; argument values obtained from safe rust type.
    • impl Write for UnixStream, fn write(): wraps send(2); return value handled ok; argument values obtained from safe rust type.
    • impl FromRawFd for UnixStream, fn from_raw_fd(): unsafe trait; constructs a UnixStream without validating the arugment.
  • ± fn UnixListener::bind(): wraps socket creation, bind(2) and listen(2; return values handled ok; backlog of socket queue hard-coded to the default Linux maximum of 128 which is reasonable but deserves mention in the docs.

    • fn UnixListener::accept(): wrapper for accept(2); return value and argument checks deferred to SocketAddr::new().
    • fn UnixListener::local_addr(): wrapper for getsockname(2); return value and arguments handled by SocketAddr::new().
    • impl FromRawFd for UnixListener, fn from_raw_fd(): unsafe trait, constructs UnixListener without validating anything.
    • fn UnixDatagram::bind(): wraps bind(2) for SOCK_DGRAM type sockets; return value handled ok; args obtained from safe wrappers.
    • fn UnixDatagram::connect(): wraps connect(2); return value handled ok; args obtained from safe wrappers.
    • fn UnixDatagram::local_addr()`: wraps getsockname(2); return value and arguments handled by SocketAddr::new()``.
    • fn UnixDatagram::peer_addr()`: wraps getpeername(2); return value and arguments handled by SocketAddr::new()``.
    • fn UnixDatagram::recv_from()`: wraps recvfrom(2)``; return value handled ok; args obtained from safe wrappers.
    • fn UnixDatagram::recv()`: wraps recv(2)``; args obtained from safe types; return value handled ok.
    • fn UnixDatagram::send_to()`: wraps send_to(2)``; args obtained from safe types; return value handled ok.
    • fn UnixDatagram::send()`: wraps send_to(2)``; args obtained from safe types; return value handled ok.
    • impl FromRawFd for UnixDatagram, fn from_raw_fd(): unsafe trait, constructs UnixDatagram without validating anything.

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May have been packaged automatically without a review

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To review the actual code of the crate, it's best to use cargo crev open unix_socket. Alternatively, you can download the tarball of unix_socket v0.5.0 or view the source online.