#typst #template #source-file #templating #engine #resolver


Small wrapper for typst that makes it easier to use it as a templating engine

12 releases (7 breaking)

0.8.0 Jul 22, 2024
0.7.2 Jul 22, 2024
0.6.1 Jul 20, 2024
0.5.1 Jul 17, 2024
0.1.4 Jul 13, 2024

#61 in Template engine

MIT license

760 lines

Typst as lib

Small wrapper around Typst that makes it easier to use it as a templating engine. This API is currently not really stable, although I try to implement the features with as little change to the API as possible.


rust code

// main.rs
static TEMPLATE_FILE: &str = include_str!("./templates/template.typ");
static FONT: &[u8] = include_bytes!("./fonts/texgyrecursor-regular.otf");
static OUTPUT: &str = "./examples/output.pdf";
static IMAGE: &[u8] = include_bytes!("./templates/images/typst.png");

fn main() {
    let font = Font::new(Bytes::from(FONT), 0).expect("Could not parse font!");

    // Read in fonts and the main source file.
    // We can use this template more than once, if needed (Possibly
    // with different input each time).
    let template = TypstTemplate::new(vec![font], TEMPLATE_FILE);

    let mut tracer = Tracer::new();

    // Run it
    // Run `template.compile(&mut tracer)` to run typst script
    // without any input.
    let doc = template
        .compile_with_input(&mut tracer, dummy_data())
        .expect("typst::compile() returned an error!");

    // Create pdf
    let pdf = typst_pdf::pdf(&doc, Smart::Auto, None);
    fs::write(OUTPUT, pdf).expect("Could not write pdf.");

Full example file

Typst code

// template.typ
#import sys: inputs

#set page(paper: "a4")
#set text(font: "TeX Gyre Cursor", 11pt)

#let content = inputs.v
#let last_index = content.len() - 1

#for (i, elem) in content.enumerate() [
  == #elem.heading
  Text: #elem.text \
  Num1: #elem.num1 \
  Num2: #elem.num2 \
  #if elem.image != none [#image.decode(elem.image, height: 40pt)]
  #if i < last_index [

Run example with:

cargo r --example=small_example

Resolving files


Use TypstTemplate::with_static_file_resolver and add the binaries as key value pairs ((file_name, &[u8])).


Use TypstTemplate::with_static_source_file_resolver and add the sources as key value pairs ((file_name, String)).

Local files

Resolving local files can be enabled with TypstTemplate::with_file_system_resolver. The root should be the template folder. Files cannot be resolved, if they are outside of root.

Remote Packages

Resolving packages can be enabled with TypstTemplate::with_package_file_resolver. The package feature needs to be enabled.


Static binaries and sources

See example which uses the static file resolvers.

cargo r --example=resolve_static

Local files and remote packages

See example which uses the file and the package resolver.

cargo r --example=resolve_files --features=package

Custom file resolver

You can also write your own file resolver. You need to implement the Trait FileResolver and pass it to the TypstTemplate::add_file_resolver function.


If you want to compile multiple typst (main) source files you might want to use the TypstTemplateCollection, which allows you to specify the source file, when calling TypstTemplateCollection::compile, instead of passing it to new. The source file has to be added with TypstTemplateCollection::add_static_file_resolver first. TypstTemplate is just a wrapper around TypstTemplateCollection, that also saves a FileId for the main source file.

Loading fonts

Loading fonts is not in the scope of this library (yet?). If you are interested in that, write an issue.

  • This is how the typst-cli loads system fonts.
  • Here is an example of loading fonts from a folder.


  • allow usage of reqwest instead of ureq with a feature flag
  • fonts
  • have option to cache packages on the hard drive for PackageResolver


~1M SLoC