#integer #python #arithmetic #big-integer #python-bindings #large


Crate for arithmetic on arbitrarily large integers. Provides Python bindings as well.

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 2, 2023

#1556 in Math

41 downloads per month




Rust crate for arbitrarily big integers, signed or unsigned.

The main API of this crate is to export 2 types: BigUint and BigInt, meant to represent unsigned or signed integers of arbitrarily large absolute value. They are meant to be used in almost any way a regular integer can be used. The only caveat is that they don't implement the Copy trait ; this means that calling A + B for example will perform a move operation on A and B, losing ownership of them. Most of the time you will actually want to call &A + &B, performing the operation "by reference".

Build, documentation, benchmarks and tests are available the usual way calling the following:

cargo build
cargo docs
cargo bench
cargo test

For benchmarks specifically, you might want to call only some of these:

cargo bench mul
cargo bench add
cargo bench sub

Install as a Python package

Simply use from the base directory

python3 -m pip install .

Python tests are available to be run in the pytest framework. They are located in the tests folder and should provide ample example usage.


~16K SLoC