tui-big-text is used at run time in 13 crates (of which 1 optionally). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1 crate.

Number of dependers tui-big-text version Downloads/month
1 0.5.2 0
10 0.4.7 140
0 0.4.5 2.3K
1 0.3.6 0
1 0.2.1 1
1 0.1.4 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) tui-big-text version
1.0K ducker ^0.4.5
410 sxtetris ^0.4.2
400 crock ^0.4.5
300 atac ^0.4.5
280 synd-term ^0.4.5
250 turdle ^0.4.3
220 klok ^0.4
120 tui-slides ^0.4.3
110 royal_rust ^0.4.5
hac-client ^0.4.3
tui-dashboard ^0.3.6
capturs ^0.1.4
330 tui-widgets optional ^0.5.2
1 pros-simulator dev ^0.2.1