#message #diagnostics #logging #serde #async #tracing-layer

bin+lib tracing-surreal

🚧 A tracing Layer that can forward all tracing data to SurrealDB (WIP, nothing usable for now)

1 unstable release

0.0.1 Nov 24, 2024

#44 in #tracing-layer




English | įŽ€äŊ“中文

(WIP) A tracing Layer that can forward all tracing data to SurrealDB 🚧

Website | crates.io | docs.rs

Original Author: @czy-29

Latest version: v0.0.1

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🚧 (WIP) A tracing Layer that can forward all tracing data to SurrealDB.


🚧 (Under construction...)


🚧 (Under construction...)


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