#dice #dice-roller #roller #game #tabletop #dice-rolling #gamdev


A minimal crate that provides dice rolling mechanisms for games

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Dec 2, 2022
0.1.0 Dec 1, 2022

#490 in Simulation

MIT license

918 lines


Tomb is a minimal crate that provides dice rolling mechanisms for games.

Rust Checks Coverage Status Current Crates.io Version Docs License: MIT


// Creating and rolling a D20

// Optional dependency, exclude to implement your own RNG.
use fastrand::Rng;

// It is possible to define your own dice, rollers, and to use immutable die as well!
use tomb::{D20, RngRoller, RollMut};

// Pre-defined seed so the result of this example is predictable.
let roller = RngRoller::from(Rng::with_seed(7194422452970863838));
let mut d20 = D20::new();

roller.roll_mut(&mut d20);
assert_eq!(d20.value(), 10);

