#paper #arxiv #download #save #local #date #eccc

app theory_grabber

Downloads papers from arxiv and eccc and stores them in a local directory. Saves the last date looked at.

54 stable releases

2.18.0 Jun 13, 2024
2.17.1 May 20, 2024
2.16.0 Mar 21, 2024
2.12.0 Dec 27, 2023
1.0.0 Mar 2, 2022

#862 in Command line utilities

23 downloads per month


1.5K SLoC


Grabs papers from arxiv and eccc, displayes them nicely and puts them into a local folder.

Howto: Start with theorygrabber -l to set up. Use theorygrabber -c to set as current time. Wait a couple of days and call theorygrabber without any arguments.


~603K SLoC