1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 27, 2024

#599 in Filesystem

Custom license

786 lines


termutils brings all your favourite command line tools in one place.

Table of Contents


  • cls
  • gst
  • gcl
  • Custom callable command creation
  • Custom Callable command creation for macOS Applications (both external and system)

Feature Description


The windows cls command can now be used in Linux/MacOS without ruining the vibe and feel of Linux/MacOS.


$ cls
last login: 2024-05-27 14:22:40.473684 +05:30
(@_@) XXXXX@XXXX termutils % 


gst is a short form for git status coded in rust with better formatting and focusing mainly on the files.


$ gst
on branch: main

    Cargo.lock, target/


gcl being an upgrade to the classic git clone command is a great tool for cloning repositories.
Documentation of gcl can be found here.


$ gcl help
gcl v1.0
Help Text

syntax: $ gcl [options] username repo <optional-destination-dir> [flags]

  | [Options]
  | help -> show help and exit.
  | version -> show version and exit.

  | [Flags]
  | --priv -> for private repos, add this flag.

Custom callable command creation (in shell)

Custom callable commands can be created using termutils. The code for the same can be written in the terminal with shell code.

usage - help

$ term help
termutils v0.1.0
      | help or -h     : show this help text and exit
      | license or -l  : show license and exit
      | version or -v  : show version and exit
      | create or -c   : create terminal utilities
          | SUBOPTIONS (for create) |
               | callable or -cal  : create a callable command for any application
                    | SUBOPTIONS (for callable) |
                         | init or -i          : initialise callables


usage - example

# initialise callables
$ term create callable init
Initialised termutils for /Users/XXXX/.zshrc
$ term create callable
Command name: print hello world
Command nickname: hello world
Command Description (optional, press ENTER/RETURN for default): prints hello world in the terminal
Enter your command body here (shell):
echo "hello, world!"
Created command hello_world
 -> /Users/d33pster/.termutils
Restart Terminal!
$ hello_world
hello, world!

usage - description

  • step 0.

Initialize callables (one time only).

  • step 1.

Enter the name of the command.

  • step 2.

Enter the nickname or the name you want to call from the terminal. NOTE: if there are more than two words, it _ will be added in between them.

  • step 3.

Add an optional description or just press RETURN/ENTER for default description.

  • step 4.

You need to type the shell code for the command line by line and once you are done, type END in a new line and press ENTER/RETURN.

NOTE: Do not add function function_name() {}. Just write the body.

  • step 5.

All done. Restart the terminal to start using your command.

Custom Callable command creation for macOS Applications (both external and system)

MacOS applications cannot be called directly from the terminal, but a callable command can be created so that they can be opened via terminal.

Here's how:

usage - help

$ term help
termutils v0.1.0
      | help or -h     : show this help text and exit
      | license or -l  : show license and exit
      | version or -v  : show version and exit
      | create or -c   : create terminal utilities
          | SUBOPTIONS (for create) |
               | callable or -cal  : create a callable command for any application
                    | SUBOPTIONS (for callable) |
                         | init or -i          : initialise callables
                         | application or -app : callable command for an application
                         | system or sys       : to specify if the app is a system app.
                    | SYNTAX |
                         $ term create callable init # need to be run before callables can be created.
                         $ term create callable -app <appname> <nickname> <optional-system-flag>

cls    : clear the screen
gst    : git status
gcl    : git clone

usage - example

# first usage only
$ term create callable init
Initialised termutils for /Users/XXXX/.zshrc
# general syntax
term create callable <app-flag> <app-name> <nickname> <sys-flag>
# Here, the app-flag tells the termutils you are creating a callable command for an Application.

# app-name should be same as the one you can see in the /Applications folder.

# nickname arg is optional, if not passed, it will be prompted anyway. This nickname will be the command that you can call in the terminal. NOTE: if more than one word is there `_` will be added in place of a white space.

# finally, if you the Application is a system app like the App Store, you need to add a sys-flag. else no need.

# example
# suppose you need to create a callable command for Google Chrome App.
$ term create callable application "Google Chrome" "chrome"
Created Trigger for GOOGLE CHROME as CHROME
Restart terminal!

# example
# suppose its a system app:
$ term create callable application "App Store" "store" system
Created Trigger for APP STORE as STORE
Restart terminal!
$ chrome
Opening chrome...
$ store
Opening store...


All the long arguments are used in the examples, feel free to use the shorter version of the arguments or a mixture of them.

To create similar argument parsing in your own rust project, check out argrust.

Suggestions and Contributions are welcome, submit an issue here or create a pull request here.


~293K SLoC