0.4.2 Jul 15, 2020
0.1.0 Apr 25, 2020
0.0.10 Mar 30, 2020
0.0.9 Mar 3, 2020

#48 in #full


109K SLoC

Tari base node


Installation from binaries

If you've downloaded binaries from the Tari homepage, then installing the base node is relatively simple.

  1. Extract the contents of the zip archive to a convenient location (e.g. /Users/your_name/tari_node). Since you're reading this file, you've probably done this already.
  2. Give the tari_base_node executable permission to run on your machine. Right-click on the tari_base_node executable in Finder, select Open, and then click Open. The node will exit with an error, but this is fine; all we wanted to do is tell your Mac that it's ok to run this program.
  3. Run install-osx.sh by double clicking on it, or entering ./install-osx.sh in a terminal.
  4. When you see the node prompt, you're good to go!
>> help 
Available commands are: help, get-balance, send-tari, get-chain-metadata, list-peers, list-connections, whoami, quit, exit



sudo apt-get install git curl build-essential cmake clang pkg-config libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

From source

cargo install tari_base_node



~1.5M SLoC