8 releases

0.9.7 Jan 4, 2023
0.9.6 Jan 4, 2023
0.9.4 Dec 29, 2022
0.9.1 Sep 4, 2022

#1017 in Asynchronous

Custom license

297 lines

Swarm Commander

Command your swarm with success! You can create many and many commands and monitor their progress in a simple way. And, of course, asynchronously

Crates.io Apache 2 licensed

Website | API Docs


Sometimes you need an aplication that controls other applications. The use case is wide, from converting thousands of pictures using imagemagick, launch many nginx servers or stream many ffmpeg videos. Handle this is a bit tricky because you need to control the stderror, stdout (read both of them in an non-blocking way), handle the status of the command (did it started successfully? returned and error? is it still running?...), decide if you want to finish a command and, or course, parse all their outputs. This crate offers you a clean an generic way so you can focus on your business.

The idea is the following. You decide what commands do you want to run (ls, find...) and implement an parser for the output. Then, by providing these two things you only have to consume new messages in your parsed format.


A basic example

swarm-commander = "0.9.4"

Put this in your main.rs:

use anyhow::Result;
use tokio::process::Command;
use swarm_commander::{run_hive, StdType, RunnerEvent::{RunnerStartEvent, RunnerStopEvent, RunnerStatusEvent, RunnerLogEvent}};

// This is what you parse will build from a command output line
struct Request {
    method: String,
    status: String,
    user_agent: String,
    url: String

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Create the communication channel
    let (tx, rx) = flume::unbounded();

    // A command you want to run.
    let mut cmd = Command::new("/usr/bin/nginx");
    // Your parser which will receive all the outputs and parse them. Return None if you just want to skip the line
    let parser = move |line: &str, pid: u32, std_type: &StdType| -> Option<Request> {
        // This nginx output is like "GET /index.html 200 Mozilla/5.0"
        if line.starts_with("GET") || line.starts_with("POST") {
            // I'm interested only on GET and POST requests
            let parts = line.split(" ").collect::<Vec<&str>>();
            Some(Request {
            method: parts[0].to_owned(),
            status: parts[2].to_owned(),
            user_agent: parts[3].to_owned(),
            url: parts[1].to_owned(),
        } else {
            // Other kind of request or any other output that I'm ignoring
    // Establish a hive
    let (_, mut hive) = run_hive(tx.clone(), parser).await;
    // Spawn the nginx command
    hive.spawn("my-nginx", cmd).await?;
    // I will use this interval to kill the nginx in 15 seconds
    let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(15000));
    // Wait for the updates
    let mut keep_running = true;
    while keep_running {
        tokio::select! {
            message = rx.recv_async() => {
                match message {
                    Ok(message) => {
                        // message is any kind of `RunnerEvent`
                        match message {
                            RunnerStartEvent(event) => {
                                println!("Process with id {} started", event.id)
                            RunnerStopEvent(event) => {
                                println!("Process with pid {} died", event.pid)
                            RunnerStatusEvent(event) => {
                                println!("New message from {}: {:?}", event.id, event.data)
                            RunnerLogEvent(event) => {
                                println!("Log of type {:?} from {}: {:?}", event.std, event.id, event.log)
                    Err(err) => {
                        println!("ERROR {:?}", err);
                        keep_running = false;
            _ = interval.tick() => {
                // List all running processes
                let proc_list = hive.processes_info().await;
                println("Before die: {:?}", proc_list);
                println!("DIE NGINX DIE HAHAHAAH");
                let proc_list = hive.processes_info().await;
                println("After die: {:?}", proc_list);
    // Kill all running processes before exit


This project is licensed under the Apache 2 license.


~151K SLoC