#todo #tasks #tracker #task #cli #standup

yanked suaide

A simple CLI app to track todos and tasks within the terminal

0.1.0 Sep 30, 2020

#90 in #tracker

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


[Stand-Up Aide] A lightweight 100% offline CLI App to help with the management of todos & tasks within the terminal, with the added functionality to output a stand-up style report.

It's very much in an early beta testing stage, so please raise an issue if you spot anything or have a feature request.


Under the hood this uses SQLite 3 for storage, (included in most MacOS distributions). If your system doesn't have it installed you'll need to install a recent version of it (this was developed on SQLite v3.28.0).

Basic API

Command Description
add Adds a new task
edit Edit a task
list Lists all tasks
remove Deletes a task
close Marks a task as closed
status Change the status of a task
standup Prints out the stand-up output


There are two options for overwriting default settings for suaide: (in order of precedence)

  1. Environment variables prefixed with SUAIDE_
  2. A config file located at ~/.suaide/settings.yml


Setting Description Default
db_url The path to the suaide.sqlite file used as the database for the tasks ~/.suaide
ticket_prefix A prefix that will be automatically applied to any ticket id if set ""

Example settings.yml

db_url: ~/code/todos
ticket_prefix: TASK-

Example Environment Variables



~622K SLoC