Cargo Features

stm32-hal2 has no features set by default.

stm32-hal2 = { version = "1.9.0", features = ["f3rt", "f4rt", "l4rt", "l5rt", "g0rt", "g4rt", "h7rt", "wbrt", "wlrt", "f301", "f302", "f303", "f373", "f3x4", "f401", "f405", "f407", "f410", "f411", "f412", "f413", "f427", "f429", "f446", "f469", "l4x1", "l4x2", "l412", "l4x3", "l4x5", "l4x6", "l552", "l562", "g030", "g031", "g041", "g050", "g051", "g061", "g070", "g071", "g081", "g0b0", "g0b1", "g0c1", "g431", "g441", "g471", "g473", "g474", "g483", "g484", "g491", "g4a1", "h735", "h743", "h743v", "h747cm4", "h747cm7", "h753", "h753v", "h7b3", "wb55", "wle5", "usb", "usbotg_fs", "usbotg_hs", "can_bx", "can_fd_g", "can_fd_h", "net", "embedded_hal", "monotonic", "f3", "f4", "l4", "l5", "g0", "g4", "h5", "h7", "wb", "wl"] }

Compile with one of these "runtime" features if the program will be directly flashed to an MCU; ie not a library.


Enables rt of stm32f3

Peripheral Access Crates


Enables rt of stm32f4


Enables rt of stm32l4


Enables rt of stm32l5


Enables rt of stm32g0


Enables rt of stm32g4


Enables rt of stm32h7


Enables rt of stm32wb


Enables rt of stm32wl

f301 = f3

Features defined here are those taken from the SVD-generated STM32 PACs. The "f3" etc designator at the end lets us group by family when feature-gating.


Enables stm32f301 of stm32f3

f302 = f3

Enables stm32f302 of stm32f3

f303 = f3

Enables stm32f303 of stm32f3

f373 = f3

Enables stm32f373 of stm32f3

f3x4 = f3

Enables stm32f3x4 of stm32f3

f401 = f4


Enables stm32f401 of stm32f4

f405 = f4

Enables stm32f405 of stm32f4

f407 = f4

Enables stm32f407 of stm32f4

f410 = f4

Enables stm32f410 of stm32f4

f411 = f4

Enables stm32f411 of stm32f4

f412 = f4

Enables stm32f412 of stm32f4

f413 = f4

Enables stm32f413 of stm32f4

f427 = f4

Enables stm32f427 of stm32f4

f429 = f4

Enables stm32f429 of stm32f4

f446 = f4

Enables stm32f446 of stm32f4

f469 = f4

Enables stm32f469 of stm32f4

l4x1 = l4


Enables stm32l4x1 of stm32l4

l4x2 = l4

Enables stm32l4x2 of stm32l4

l412 = l4

L412 is the same as L4x2, but with an RTC like in G0, G4 and L5.

Enables stm32l412 of stm32l4

l4x3 = l4

Enables stm32l4x3 of stm32l4

l4x5 = l4

Enables stm32l4x5 of stm32l4

Affects baseline::Clocks.pllsai2

l4x6 = l4

Enables stm32l4x6 of stm32l4

Affects baseline::Clocks.pllsai2

l552 = l5

todo: Handle l4+ (P, R, S, Q)


Enables stm32l552 of stm32l5

l562 = l5

Enables stm32l562 of stm32l5

g030 = g0


Enables stm32g030 of stm32g0

g031 = g0

Enables stm32g031 of stm32g0

g041 = g0

Enables stm32g041 of stm32g0

g050 = g0

Enables stm32g050 of stm32g0

g051 = g0

Enables stm32g051 of stm32g0

g061 = g0

Enables stm32g061 of stm32g0

g070 = g0

Enables stm32g070 of stm32g0

g071 = g0

Enables stm32g071 of stm32g0

g081 = g0

Enables stm32g081 of stm32g0

g0b0 = g0

Enables stm32g0b0 of stm32g0

g0b1 = g0

Enables stm32g0b1 of stm32g0

g0c1 = g0

Enables stm32g0c1 of stm32g0

g431 = g4


Enables stm32g431 of stm32g4

g441 = g4

Enables stm32g441 of stm32g4

g471 = g4

Enables stm32g471 of stm32g4

g473 = g4

Enables stm32g473 of stm32g4

Affects comp::Hysterisis, comp::CompDevice, comp::CompConfig, comp::NonInvertingInput, comp::OutputPolarity, comp::InvertingInput, stm32-hal2::comp, flash::Flash.dual_bank

g474 = g4

Enables stm32g474 of stm32g4

Affects flash::Flash.dual_bank

g483 = g4

Enables stm32g483 of stm32g4

Affects flash::Flash.dual_bank

g484 = g4

Enables stm32g484 of stm32g4

Affects flash::Flash.dual_bank

g491 = g4

Enables stm32g491 of stm32g4

g4a1 = g4

Enables stm32g4a1 of stm32g4

h735 = h7


Enables stm32h735 of stm32h7

h743 = h7

Enables stm32h743 of stm32h7

h743v = h7

Enables stm32h743v of stm32h7

h747cm4 = h7

Enables stm32h747cm4 of stm32h7

Affects stm32-hal2::power

h747cm7 = h7

Enables stm32h747cm7 of stm32h7

Affects stm32-hal2::power

h753 = h7

Enables stm32h753 of stm32h7

h753v = h7

Enables stm32h753v of stm32h7

h7b3 = h7

Enables stm32h7b3 of stm32h7

wb55 = wb


Enables stm32wb55 of stm32wb

wle5 = wl


Enables stm32wle5 of stm32wl


Enables stm32-usbd2

These USB and CAN crates are only imported if one of the can, usb, usbotg_fs, or usbotg_hs features are used. Workaround using a fork of stm32-usbd until the main one is released on crates.


eg F4 for FS.

Enables fs of synopsys-usb-otg ^0.3.2


eg H7 for HS.

Enables hs of synopsys-usb-otg ^0.3.2


Enables bxcan ^0.7.0


Enables fdcan_g0_g4_l5 of fdcan


Peripheral map found on G0 G4 L5


Enables fdcan_h7 of fdcan


Peripheral map found on H7


Enables smoltcp ^0.8.1

TCP stack for use with the Ethernet peripheral.

Affects stm32-hal2::ethernet


Enables embedded-hal and embedded-io


Embedded-HAL traits and related libs. Featured-gated with embedded-hal.


Enables rtic-monotonic

Enabled with the monotonic feature.

f3 f301? f302? f303? f373? f3x4?

These features are used to featured gate sections of code that apply to an entire family.

Affects f::Prediv, f::PllMul, f::UsbPrescaler, f::Clocks.prediv, f::Clocks.pll_mul, f::Clocks.usb_pre, util::RccPeriph.read_chan, util::RccPeriph.write_chan

f4 f401? f405? f407? f410? f411? f412? f413? f427? f429? f446? f469?

Affects f::Pllp, f::Pllq, f::Clocks.pllm, f::Clocks.plln, f::Clocks.pllp, f::Clocks.pllq, stm32-hal2::i2c_f4

l4 l412? l4x1? l4x2? l4x3? l4x5? l4x6?

Affects comp::PowerMode, comp::NonInvertingInput, comp::OutputPolarity, comp::CompConfig, util::RccPeriph.read_sel, util::RccPeriph.write_sel, comp::Hysterisis, low_power::low_power_run, low_power::return_from_low_power_run, util::RccPeriph.read_chan, util::RccPeriph.write_chan, comp::InvertingInput, stm32-hal2::comp, usb::enable_usb_pwr, baseline::CrsSyncSrc, baseline::StopWuck, baseline::Clocks.stop_wuck, baseline::enable_crs

l5 l552? l562?

Affects baseline::Pllm, low_power::low_power_run, low_power::return_from_low_power_run, usb::enable_usb_pwr, baseline::CrsSyncSrc, baseline::StopWuck, baseline::Clocks.stop_wuck, baseline::enable_crs, flash::Flash.dual_bank

g0 g030? g031? g041? g050? g051? g061? g070? g071? g081? g0b0? g0b1? g0c1?

Affects baseline::PllSrc, baseline::Pllr, baseline::CanSrc, baseline::Clocks.can_src, usb::enable_usb_pwr

g4 g431? g441? g471? g473? g474? g483? g484? g491? g4a1?

Affects baseline::Clocks.boost_mode, dac::Trigger, dac::WaveGeneration, dac::SawtoothDirection, dac::SawtoothConfig, dac::HighFrequencyMode, dac::DacConfig.hfsel, baseline::PllSrc, baseline::Pllm, baseline::CanSrc, baseline::Clocks.can_src, dma::enable_mux1, usart::UsartConfig.fifo_enabled, baseline::CrsSyncSrc, baseline::enable_crs

h7 h735? h743? h743v? h747cm4? h747cm7? h753? h753v? h7b3?

Affects adc::Align, h::Clocks.d1_core_prescaler, h::Clocks.d3_prescaler, dac::Trigger, dma::DmaInput, dma::DmaInput2, dma::cfg_channel, dma::mux2, comp::NonInvertingInput, comp::Hysterisis, comp::OutputPolarity, stm32-hal2::ethernet, usart::UsartConfig.fifo_enabled, comp::InvertingInput, stm32-hal2::comp

wb wb55?

Affects baseline::RfWakeupSrc, baseline::Clocks.hclk2_prescaler, baseline::Clocks.hclk4_prescaler, baseline::Clocks.rf_wakeup_src, stm32-hal2::hsem, stm32-hal2::ipcc, baseline::Pllr, dma::enable_mux1, baseline::CrsSyncSrc, baseline::StopWuck, baseline::Clocks.stop_wuck, baseline::enable_crs

wl wle5?

Affects baseline::Clocks.hclk3_prescaler, dma::DmaInput, baseline::StopWuck, baseline::Clocks.stop_wuck

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

stm32f3 f301? f302? f303? f373? f3rt? f3x4?
stm32f4 f401? f405? f407? f410? f411? f412? f413? f427? f429? f446? f469? f4rt?
stm32l4 l412? l4rt? l4x1? l4x2? l4x3? l4x5? l4x6?
stm32l5 l552? l562? l5rt?
stm32g0 g030? g031? g041? g050? g051? g061? g070? g071? g081? g0b0? g0b1? g0c1? g0rt?
stm32g4 g431? g441? g471? g473? g474? g483? g484? g491? g4a1? g4rt?
stm32h7 h735? h743? h743v? h747cm4? h747cm7? h753? h753v? h7b3? h7rt?
stm32wb wb55? wbrt?
stm32wl wle5? wlrt?
synopsys-usb-otg usbotg_fs? usbotg_hs?

Enables synopsys-usb-otg ^0.3.2

fdcan can_fd_g? can_fd_h?