#statistics #collection #traits #maths

no-std stats_traits

Traits for collection-like types to calculate statistics

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 10, 2022

#2462 in Rust patterns

47 downloads per month

MIT license

426 lines


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stats is a Rust statistics library

The main thing is the Stats trait which provides all the methods. It is implemented for all the collection-like types in the standard library and can be implemented for any type if that type implements IntoIterator and Clone


It works on Vectors

use stats::Stats;

fn main() {
    let my_vec = vec![1, 2, 3];
    assert_eq!(my_vec.mean(), 2);

To get the methods on your type

use stats::Stats;

struct MyStruct {
    // ...

impl IntoIterator for MyStruct {
    // ...

impl Stats for MyStruct {}

// Now we can use the methods in `Stats`

fn main() {
    let my_struct = MyStruct {};
    println!("{}", my_struct.mean());

