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0.0.10 Nov 9, 2024
0.0.7 Oct 31, 2024
0.0.4 Sep 20, 2024

#284 in Rust patterns

30 downloads per month
Used in 3 crates (2 directly)




base traits, for Rust


This crate defines general-purpose traits that:

  • seem obvious and yet are missing from the standard library (e.g. IsEmpty, Len); or
  • provide a basis to introduce specific functionality to allow for other crates to interoperate;

Table of Contents


Reference in Cargo.toml in the usual way:

base-traits = { version = "0" }



None defined at this time.


The following crate features are defined:

Name Effect Is "default"? Dependent feature(s)
"experimental-exact_size_is_empty" Causes the experimental feature "exact_size_is_empty" to be enabled No
"implement-AsF64-for-built_ins" Causes AsF64 to be implemented for built-in type f64 Yes
"implement-AsI128-for-built_ins" Causes AsI128 to be implemented for built-in type i128 Yes
"implement-AsI32-for-built_ins" Causes AsI32 to be implemented for built-in type i32 Yes
"implement-AsI64-for-built_ins" Causes AsI64 to be implemented for built-in type i64 Yes
"implement-AsISize-for-built_ins" Causes AsISize to be implemented for built-in type isize Yes
"implement-AsStr-for-built_ins" Causes AsStr to be implemented for built-in type str Yes
"implement-AsStr-for-standard_collection_types" Causes AsStr to be implemented for standard collection type String Yes
"implement-AsU128-for-built_ins" Causes AsU128 to be implemented for built-in type u128 Yes
"implement-AsU32-for-built_ins" Causes AsU32 to be implemented for built-in type u32 Yes
"implement-AsU64-for-built_ins" Causes AsU64 to be implemented for built-in type u64 Yes
"implement-AsUSize-for-built_ins" Causes AsUSize to be implemented for built-in type usize Yes
"implement-Infinity-for-built_ins" Causes Infinity to be implemented for built-in types f32, f64 Yes
"implement-IsEmpty-for-built_ins" Causes IsEmpty to be implemented for built-in types str, [T; N], [T] Yes
"implement-IsEmpty-for-standard_collection_types" Causes IsEmpty to be implemented for standard collection types BTreeMap, BTreeSet, ..., Vec, VecDeque, and String Yes
"implement-IsEmpty-for-standard_ffi_types" Causes IsEmpty to be implemented for standard FFI types CStr, CString Yes
"implement-IsEmpty-for-standard_path_types" Causes IsEmpty to be implemented for standard path types Path, PathBuf Yes
"implement-IsEmpty-for-standard_process_types" Causes IsEmpty to be implemented for standard process types CommandArgs, CommandEnvs No experimental-exact_size_is_empty
"implement-IsEmpty-for-standard_range_types" Causes IsEmpty to be implemented for standard range types Range, RangeFrom, etc. Yes
"implement-IsEmpty-for-standard_time_types" Causes IsEmpty to be implemented for standard time type Duration No
"implement-IsInfinity-for-built_ins" Causes IsInfinity to be implemented for built-in types f32, f64 Yes
"implement-IsNAN-for-built_ins" Causes IsNAN to be implemented for built-in types f32, f64 Yes
"implement-IsZero-for-built_ins" Causes IsZero to be implemented for built-in types i8, ..., i128, u8, ..., u128, isize, usize, f32, f64, char Yes
"implement-IsZero-for-standard_process_types" Causes IsZero to be implemented for standard process type ExitStatus Yes
"implement-IsZero-for-standard_time_types" Causes IsZero to be implemented for standard time type Duration Yes
"implement-Len-for-built_ins" Causes Len to be implemented for built-in types str, [T; N], [T] Yes
"implement-Len-for-standard_collection_types" Causes Len to be implemented for standard collection types BTreeMap, BTreeSet, ..., Vec, VecDeque, and String Yes
"implement-Len-for-standard_ffi_types" Causes Len to be implemented for standard FFI types CStr, CString Yes
"implement-Len-for-standard_path_types" Causes Len to be implemented for standard path types Path, PathBuf Yes
"implement-Len-for-standard_process_types" Causes Len to be implemented for standard process types CommandArgs, CommandEnvs No
"implement-ToF64-for-built_ins" Causes ToF64 to be implemented for built-in types i8, ..., i128, u8, ..., u128, isize, usize, f32, f64 Yes
"implement-ToI128-for-built_ins" Causes ToI128 to be implemented for built-in type i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, u8, u16, u32, u64 Yes
"implement-ToI16-for-built_ins" Causes ToI16 to be implemented for built-in types i8, i16, u8 Yes
"implement-ToI32-for-built_ins" Causes ToI32 to be implemented for built-in type i8, i16, i32, u8, u16 Yes
"implement-ToI64-for-built_ins" Causes ToI64 to be implemented for built-in type i8, i16, i32, i64, u8, u16, u32 Yes
"implement-ToU128-for-built_ins" Causes ToU128 to be implemented for built-in type u8, u16, u32, u64, u128 Yes
"implement-ToU16-for-built_ins" Causes ToU16 to be implemented for built-in type u8, u16 Yes
"implement-ToU32-for-built_ins" Causes ToU32 to be implemented for built-in type u8, u16, u32 Yes
"implement-ToU64-for-built_ins" Causes ToU64 to be implemented for built-in type u8, u16, u32, u64 Yes
"implement-ToISize-for-built_ins" Causes ToISize to be implemented for built-in types isize, i8, and all numeric types that, dependent on architecture, that can be represented in isize without loss Yes
"implement-ToUSize-for-built_ins" Causes ToUSize to be implemented for built-in types usize, u8, and all unsigned numeric types that, dependent on architecture, that can be represented in usize without loss Yes
"implement-Zero-for-built_ins" Causes Zero to be implemented for built-in types i8, ..., i128, u8, ..., u128, isize, usize, f32, f64, char Yes


None defined at this time.


None defined at this time.


None defined at this time.


The following traits are defined:

  • AsF64 - provides (non-mutating) instance method #as_f64() : f64;
  • AsI128 - provides (non-mutating) instance method #as_i128() : i128;
  • AsI32 - provides (non-mutating) instance method #as_i32() : i32;
  • AsI64 - provides (non-mutating) instance method #as_i64() : i64;
  • AsISize - provides (non-mutating) instance method #as_isize() : isize;
  • AsStr - provides (non-mutating) instance method #as_str() : &str;
  • AsU128 - provides (non-mutating) instance method #as_u128() : u128;
  • AsU32 - provides (non-mutating) instance method #as_u32() : u32;
  • AsU64 - provides (non-mutating) instance method #as_u64() : u64;
  • AsUSize - provides (non-mutating) instance method #as_usize() : usize;
  • Infinity - provides method ::infinity() : Self;
  • Integer - provides no methods;
  • IsEmpty - provides (non-mutating) instance method #is_empty() : bool;
  • IsInfinity - provides (non-mutating) instance method #is_infinity() : bool;
  • IsNAN - provides (non-mutating) instance method #is_nan() : bool;
  • IsZero - provides (non-mutating) instance method #is_zero() : bool;
  • Len - provides (non-mutating) instance method #len() : usize;
  • Numeric - provides no methods;
  • Real - provides no methods;
  • Signed - provides no methods;
  • ToF64 - provides (non-mutating) instance method #to_f64() : f64;
  • AsU32 - provides (non-mutating) instance method #as_u32() : u32;
  • AsU64 - provides (non-mutating) instance method #as_u64() : u64;
  • AsU128 - provides (non-mutating) instance method #as_u128() : u128;
  • ToISize - provides (non-mutating) instance method #to_isize() : isize;
  • ToUSize - provides (non-mutating) instance method #to_usize() : usize;
  • Unsigned - provides no methods;
  • Zero - provides class method ::zero() : Self;


The purpose of all traits provided in this package is to enhance generic programming.

For example, you may be working on a subsystem that needs to abstract numbers into strong types, but you also need to build algorithms that can work generically on such types as well as on basic types. You might, therefore, implement ToF64 on your Price type and then go ahead and build your generic algorithm(s) around ToF64, as in:

use base_traits::ToF64;

/// Trivial implementation of a price type using exact types (integers)
struct Price {
    dollars : u32,
    cents : u8,

impl ToF64 for Price {
    fn to_f64(&self) -> f64 {
        self.dollars as f64 + (self.cents as f64 / 100.0)

/// Trivial implementation for calculation of mean and std-deviation
fn calc_mean_and_stddev<'a, F, I>(
    i : I
) -> Option<(
    f64, // mean
    f64, // stddev
    F : ToF64 + 'a,
    I : Iterator<Item = &'a F>,
    let values = i.map(|v| v.to_f64()).collect::<Vec::<_>>();

    if values.is_empty() {
    } else {
        let n = values.len() as f64;
        let sum : f64 = values.iter().sum();
        let mean = sum / n;
        let ss : f64 = values.iter().map(|v| (v - mean)).map(|v| v*v).sum();
        let var = ss / n;
        let stddev = var.sqrt();

        Some((mean, stddev))

fn main() {
        let raw_values = vec![
            // insert list

        let (raw_mean, raw_stddev) = calc_mean_and_stddev(raw_values.iter()).unwrap();

        println!("for {raw_values:?}, mean={raw_mean}, std-dev={raw_stddev}");

        let prices = vec![
            // insert list
            Price { dollars: 10, cents : 0 },
            Price { dollars: 10, cents : 1 },
            Price { dollars: 10, cents : 2 },
            Price { dollars: 10, cents : 3 },

        let (price_mean, price_stddev) = calc_mean_and_stddev(prices.iter()).unwrap();

        println!("for {prices:?}, mean={price_mean}, std-dev={price_stddev}");

Project Information

Where to get help

GitHub Page

Contribution guidelines

Defect reports, feature requests, and pull requests are welcome on https://github.com/synesissoftware/base-traits.


There are no dependencies on other crates.


base-traits is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See LICENSE for details.

No runtime deps
