#embed #assets #include #compression-level

macro no-std build staticfilemap

Procedural macro to embed optionally compressed files during compilation

14 unstable releases (6 breaking)

0.7.0 Nov 18, 2023
0.6.1 May 16, 2023
0.5.0 Feb 2, 2023
0.4.1 May 4, 2022
0.1.2 Apr 22, 2020

#675 in Build Utils

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125 downloads per month
Used in wrappe

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272 lines


Crates.io Docs.rs Tests & Checks

Procedural macro to embed optionally compressed files during compilation.

Similar to include_file! or include_dir!, but accepts a list of files that can be specified through environment variables and supports compression with LZ4 or zstd.


Derive from StaticFileMap to create a map.

Specify the files to be included and the names they should be accessed by with the files and names attributes. These can either be strings containing values separated with ;, or environment variables containing them when the parse attribute is set to env. Relative paths are resolved relative to CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR. If the names attribute is not specified, the names are inferred from the filenames.

The compression level is controlled by the compression attribute. With a compression level above 0 the included files are compresed with Zstd. Zstd supports a compression level up to 22. Alternatively, LZ4 can be used for compression by setting the algorithm attribute to lz4. LZ4 accepts a compression level up to 12.

The cargo features zstd and lz4 are available to select compression support. zstd is enabled by default.

Files can be accessed as &'static [u8] slices by the get(name) and get_match(name) functions at runtime. get_match(name) accepts partial names if only one name matches. keys() returns a list of all keys.

See the examples, the tests or the implementation for details.


staticfilemap = "^0.7"


use staticfilemap::StaticFileMap;

struct StaticMap;

fn main() {
    let content: &[u8] = StaticMap::get("b").unwrap();
    let keys: &[&str] = StaticMap::keys();
use staticfilemap::StaticFileMap;
use minilz4::Decode;
use std::io::Read;

struct StaticMap;

fn main() {
    let compressed = StaticMap::get_match("diogenes")
        .expect("file matching diogenes was not included");
    let content = compressed.decode();
use staticfilemap::StaticFileMap;
use zstd::decode_all;

struct StaticMap;

fn main() {
    let mut compressed = StaticMap::get("diogenes.txt")
        .expect("file diogenes.txt was not included");
    let content = decode_all(&mut compressed);
use staticfilemap::StaticFileMap;

struct StaticMap;

fn main() {
    for (key, data) in StaticMap::iter() {
        println!("{}: {}", key, String::from_utf8_lossy(data));


~71K SLoC