1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 22, 2024

#729 in Filesystem

Download history 115/week @ 2024-05-18 13/week @ 2024-05-25

128 downloads per month

MIT license

2.5K SLoC

Tests Workflow Status (main) Codecov Crates.io docs.rs


A file archive format and virtual filesystem backed by a SQLite database.

This library is a Rust implementation of the sqlar format for SQLite archive files.

This library consists of:

  • A Rust API
  • A CLI
  • TODO: A FUSE filesystem

Rust API

To add this library to your project:

cargo add sqlarfs

See the API docs for documentation and examples.



To install the CLI tool, install Rust and run:

cargo install sqlarfs-cli

The binary will be installed to ~/.cargo/bin/sqlar.


Archive directory and extract it to a target directory:

sqlar create ./src
sqlar extract --archive src.sqlar ~/Desktop

Archive two directories and extract them to the current directory:

sqlar create --archive files.sqlar ~/Documents ~/Pictures
sqlar extract --archive files.sqlar

Extract a specific file from an archive:

sqlar extract --archive documents.sqlar --source Documents/report.pdf

Add a file to an existing archive.

sqlar archive --archive documents.sqlar ~/Downloads/report.pdf Documents/report.pdf

List all regular files in an archive:

sqlar list --archive documents.sqlar --type file

List only the immediate children of a specific directory in an archive:

sqlar list --archive documents.sqlar --children Documents/Reports/

Remove a file from an archive:

sqlar remove --archive documents.sqlar Documents/report.pdf

The tool has a shorthand syntax for each command:

sqlar c -a files.sqlar ~/Documents ~/Pictures
sqlar ex -a files.sqlar
sqlar ls -a files.sqlar
sqlar rm -a files.sqlar Documents


~567K SLoC