This review is from Crev, a distributed system for code reviews. To add your review, set up cargo-crev.

The current version of Specs is 0.20.0.

0.15.1 (older version) Rating: Neutral Thoroughness: Medium Understanding: Medium

by MaulingMonkey on 2019-09-19


  • Very well documented
  • Well tested
  • Good attention to detail WRT unsafe code.


  • Issue #644 Scary partially uninitialized Vec<T>s
  • PR #645 println!()s for !is_unconstrained() joins is lame / a perf hazard in and of itself.
  • Complicated as heck
  • I'm not yet convinced the ParJoin s are sound
  • Plenty of unsafe code
    • Some scary lifetime extensions
    • Comments like "// This is horribly unsafe."
  • See -1s for more details


Misc. notes:

  • I still don't have a firm grasp on when world.maintain() is necessary
thoroughness medium
understanding medium
rating neutral
File Rating Notes
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ +1
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ +1
.github/stale.yml +1
benches/ +1 criterion
benches/ +1 nalgebra, shred
benches/ +1
benches/ +1
benches/ +1
benches/ +1 rayon
docs/reference/src/ 0 ~empty
docs/reference/src/ +1
docs/reference/src/ +1 TOC
docs/reference/book.toml +1
docs/tutorials/src/images/component-tables.svg +1 <switch>? <foreignObject>? What is this madness...
docs/tutorials/src/images/entity-component.svg +1
docs/tutorials/src/images/system.svg +1
docs/tutorials/src/ +1 Java?
docs/tutorials/src/ 0 specs 0.15.0, lots of rust,ignores, poor link names
docs/tutorials/src/ +1
docs/tutorials/src/ +1 Option<Read<...>>
docs/tutorials/src/ +1
docs/tutorials/src/ +1
docs/tutorials/src/ +1
docs/tutorials/src/ +1
docs/tutorials/src/ +1
docs/tutorials/src/ +1
docs/tutorials/src/ +1
docs/tutorials/src/ +1
docs/tutorials/src/ +1
docs/tutorials/src/ +1
docs/tutorials/src/ +1 TOC
docs/tutorials/book.toml +1
docs/website/content/pages/ +1
docs/website/content/pages/ +1
docs/website/content/ +1
docs/website/content/ +1 draft, "Test"
docs/website/themes/hyde/sass/hyde.scss +1
docs/website/themes/hyde/sass/poole.scss +1
docs/website/themes/hyde/sass/print.scss +1
docs/website/themes/hyde/static/.gitkeep +1
docs/website/themes/hyde/templates/404.html +1 some templating engine used
docs/website/themes/hyde/templates/index.html +1
docs/website/themes/hyde/templates/page-nodate.html +1
docs/website/themes/hyde/templates/page.html +1
docs/website/themes/hyde/.gitignore +1
docs/website/themes/hyde/config.toml +1
docs/website/themes/hyde/LICENSE +1 MIT
docs/website/themes/hyde/ +1
docs/website/themes/hyde/theme.toml +1
docs/website/config.toml +1
examples/ +1
examples/ +1
examples/ +1 fizzbuzz! Hah.
examples/ +1
examples/ +1 dispatcher.with_barrier()
examples/ +1
examples/ +1 ron, structs/impls inside fns
examples/ +1
scripts/ 0 Installing things from the internet (zola, mdbook, rustup)
scripts/ -1 docker - owns/deletes mykcov1, runs images, disables seccomp
src/join/ 0 I don't fully grok the ParJoin limitations yet, nor the underlying reason behind unsafe fn open/get.
src/join/ -1 "[...] technically not allowed" (ab)use of UnsafeCell
src/saveload/ +1
src/saveload/ +1
src/saveload/ +1
src/saveload/ +1
src/saveload/ +1
src/saveload/ +1
src/storage/ +1
src/storage/ +1
src/storage/ -1 Entries::get seems sketchy
src/storage/ +1
src/storage/ +1
src/storage/ -1 &mut Storage::get_mut is sketchy as heck
src/storage/ -1 More ParJoin I can't wrap my head around, _unchecked fns sound unsafe but aren't marked as such.
src/storage/ -1 #644, UnprotectedStorage is a scary API in general for perf reasons.
src/storage/ +1 needs more
src/storage/ 0
src/world/ +1
src/world/ 0 Possibly missing some self.killed.contains(...) checks in Allocator, ungrokked ParJoin
src/world/ +1
src/world/ +1
src/world/ +1
src/world/ 0 Some concerns about create_entity_unchecked, is_alive
src/ +1
src/ -1 Bypasses lifetime checks
src/ +1
src/ +1
src/ +1
tests/ +1
tests/ +1
.cargo_vcs_info.json +1
.cargo-ok +1
.gitignore +1
.rustfmt.toml +1
Cargo.lock +1
Cargo.toml +1
Cargo.toml.orig +1 +1 I like the link format here +1
codecov.yml +1 +1
netlify.toml +1 +1 +1 Dual MIT/Apache 2.0, could use a deps badge
Other Rating Notes
unsafe -1 ParJoin sounds unsound, scary comments like "// This is horribly unsafe."
miri -1 N/A (atomics)
fs +1 N/A
io +1 N/A
docs +1 Sets the golden standard for how to document unsafe code in many places... but sadly not all.
tests 0 Some gaps on a per-module basis, which really seem necessary for some of the scarier nests of unsafe code.


Line What Notes
227 unsafe fn Join::open Hmm... will this truly be unsound? Will need to read more...
237 unsafe fn Join::get "The implementation [...] has no invariants to meet" - I don't grok why this is unsafe yet, but tat least the doc comments seem clear.
273 unsafe fn MaybeJoin::open +1, just forwards, good doc comments about held constraints
280 unsafe fn MaybeJoin::get +1, meets documented constraints, good doc comments about held constraints
305 fn JoinIter::new 0, fix pending: #645 println! isn't an appropriate mechanism for this and possibly adds another perf issue. PR switches to log crate.
312 fn JoinIter::new 0, relies on constraint of impl
370 fn JoinIter::get +1, documents and abides by safety constraints
386 fn JoinIter::get_unchecked +1, documents and abides by safety constraints
399 fn JoinIter::next +1, documents and abides by safety constraints
422 unsafe fn (A,B,...)::open +1, documents and abides by safety constraints
434 unsafe fn (A,B,...)::get +1, documents and abides by safety constraints
440 fn (A,B,...)::is_unconstrained +1
451 unsafe impl ParJoin for (A,B,...) 0, sounds accurate but I don't fully grok
500 unsafe fn _Readers_::open +1, just forwards sanely
506 unsafe fn _Readers_::get +1, just forwards sanely
511 unsafe fn _Readers_::is_unconstrained +1
519 unsafe impl ParJoin for _Readers_ 0, sounds accurate but I don't fully grok
542 unsafe fn _Writers_::open +1, just forwards sanely
548 unsafe fn _Writers_::get +1, just forwards sanely
553 unsafe fn _Writers_::is_unconstrained +1
561 unsafe impl ParJoin for _Writers_ 0, sounds accurate but I don't fully grok


Line What Notes
21 fn ParJoin::par_join comment -1, "NOTE: This is currently unspecified behavior." - concerning...
30 fn ParJoin::par_join 0, fix pending: #645 println! isn't an appropriate mechanism for this and possibly adds another perf issue. PR switches to log crate.
56 fn JoinParIter::drive_unindexed 0, unsafe { ... } relies on constraint of impl
98 unsafe impl Send for JoinProducer -1, "[...] technically not allowed" abuse of UnsafeCell
130 fn UnindexedProducer::fold_with 0, logic makes sense to me here


Line What Notes
25 unsafe fn Drain::open +1, just forwards sanely
32 unsafe fn Drain::get +1, uses remove sanely


Line What Notes
41 fn Storage::entry +1, unsafe { ... } documents and abides by safety constraints
121 fn Storage::entries +1
140 unsafe fn Entries::open +1
146 unsafe fn Entries::get -1, unsafe { ... } - I can't verify how this lifetime extension is possibly sound either.
164 fn Entries::is_unconstrained +1
184 fn OccupiedEntry::get +1, unsafe { ... } - documents and abides by safety constraints
197 fn OccupiedEntry::get_mut +1, unsafe { ... } - documents and abides by safety constraints
205 fn OccupiedEntry::into_mut +1, unsafe { ... } - documents and abides by safety constraints
209 fn OccupiedEntry::insert +1
215 fn OccupiedEntry::remove +1
236 fn VacantEntry::insert +1, unsafe { ... } - documents and abides by safety constraints


Line What Notes
203 unsafe fn FlaggedStorage::clean +1, just forwards sanely
210 unsafe fn FlaggedStorage::get +1, just forwards sanely
214 unsafe fn FlaggedStorage::get_mut +1, just forwards sanely
221 unsafe fn FlaggedStorage::insert +1, just forwards sanely
228 unsafe fn FlaggedStorage::remove +1, just forwards sanely


Line What Notes
57 unsafe fn AntiStorage::open +1, safe and sound
62 unsafe fn AntiStorage::get +1, safe and sound
66 unsafe impl DistinctStorage for AntiStorage +1, safe and sound
70 unsafe impl ParJoin for AntiStorage +1, safe and sound
78 unsafe impl CastFrom for dyn AnyStorage 0, don't fully grok why this is unsafe, but looks 100% safe and sound and matches shred examples.
122 unsafe trait DistinctStorage +1, safe and sound
155 fn MaskedStorage::clear +1, unsafe { ... } - documents and abides by safety constraints
165 fn MaskedStorage::remove +1, unsafe { ... } - documents and abides by safety constraints
175 fn MaskedStorage::drop +1, unsafe { ... } - documents and abides by safety constraints
231 fn Storage::get +1, unsafe { ... } - documents and abides by safety constraints
274 unsafe fn Storage::unprotected_storage_mut +1, documents constraints
282 fn Storage::get_mut +1, unsafe { ... } - documents and abides by safety constraints
299 fn Storage::insert +1, unsafe { ... } - documents and abides by safety constraints
304 fn Storage::insert +1, unsafe { ... } - documents and abides by safety constraints
341 unsafe impl DistinctStorage for Storage +1, proper constraints
356 unsafe fn &Storage::open +1, documents constraints
362 unsafe fn &Storage::get +1, just forwards sanely
400 unsafe fn &mut Storage::open +1, documents constraints
409 unsafe fn &mut Storage::get -1, WTF? Lifetime extension? Can't this just be v.get_mut(i)?
449 trait UnprotectedStorage -1, needs to make it clearer that clear must be called before dropping as currently stands, unless that's just a bug.
457 unsafe fn UnprotectedStorage::clear +1, documents constraints
472 unsafe fn UnprotectedStorage::get +1, documents constraints
485 unsafe fn UnprotectedStorage::get_mut +1, documents constraints
496 unsafe fn UnprotectedStorage::insert +1, documents constraints
504 unsafe fn UnprotectedStorage::remove +1, documents constraints
514 unsafe fn UnprotectedStorage::drop +1, documents constraints, default impl sane/sound


Line What Notes
83 unsafe impl ParJoin for &mut RestrictedStorage<..., MutableParallelRestriction> -1, no idea
93 unsafe impl ParJoin for &RestrictedStorage<..., ImmutableAliasing> -1, no idea
113 unsafe fn &RestrictedStorage::open 0, could maybe document safety more, but I believe sound?
118 unsafe fn &RestrictedStorage::get 0, could maybe document safety more, but I believe sound?
144 unsafe fn &mut RestrictedStorage::open 0, could maybe document safety more, but I believe sound?
149 unsafe fn &mut RestrictedStorage::get 0, could maybe document safety more, but I believe sound?
239 fn PairedStorage::get_unchecked -1, unsafe { ... } - maybe fine, but safety undocumented and get_unchecked sounds like something that should itself be an unsafe fn?
252 fn PariedStorage::get_mut_unchecked -1, unsafe { ... } - maybe fine, but safety undocumented and get_unchecked sounds like something that should itself be an unsafe fn?
272 fn PairedStorage::get +1, abides by safety constraints
294 fn PairedStorage::get_mut +1, abides by safety constraints


Careful auditing gives a good idea for what the actual API requirements of UnprotectedStorage are, and it's a doozy.

  1. VecStorage makes it unsound to not call clean
  2. Noop cleans on several storages make me think it should consume self instead of taking &mut self - maybe can't due to API limitations?
  3. Need clearer UnprotectedStorage docs
Line What Notes
20 unsafe fn BTreeStorage::clean 0, should maybe clear storage?
27 unsafe fn BTreeStorage::get +1
31 unsafe fn BTreeStorage::get_mut +1
35 unsafe fn BTreeStorage::insert +1
39 unsafe fn BTreeStorage::remove +1
44 unsafe impl DistinctStorage for BTreeStorage +1 as I grok DistinctStorage
54 unsafe fn HashMapStorage::clean 0, should maybe clear storage?
61 unsafe fn HashMapStorage::get +1
65 unsafe fn HashMapStorage::get_mut +1
69 unsafe fn HashMapStorage::insert +1
73 unsafe fn HashMapStorage::remove +1
78 unsafe impl DistinctStorage for HashMapStorage +1
95 unsafe fn DenseVecStorage::clean 0, should maybe clear storage?
102 unsafe fn DenseVecStorage::get 0, unsound on bad index, but fn is unsafe. Otherwise sound.
107 unsafe fn DenseVecStorage::get_mut 0, unsound on bad index, but fn is unsafe. Otherwise sound.
112 unsafe fn DenseVecStorage::insert 0, set_len leaves uninitialized gaps in the data_id Vec. Maybe sound, but at least violates std docs. See #644
124 unsafe fn DenseVecStorage::remove 0, unsound on bad index, but fn is unsafe. Otherwise sound.
133 unsafe impl DistinctStorage for DenseVecStorage +1
143 unsafe fn NullStorage::clean +1
149 unsafe fn NullStorage::get +1
153 unsafe fn NullStorage::get_mut +1
157 unsafe fn NullStorage::insert +1
159 unsafe fn NullStorage::remove +1
178 unsafe impl DistinctStorage for NullStorage +1, precondition enforced by Default::default()
187 unsafe fn VecStorage::clean +1
200 unsafe fn VecStorage::get 0, unsound on bad index, but fn is unsafe. Otherwise sound.
204 unsafe fn VecStorage::get_mut 0, unsound on bad index, but fn is unsafe. Otherwise sound.
208 unsafe fn VecStorage::insert -1, set_len leaves uninitialized gaps in the data_id Vec, making it unsound to drop before calling clean. Sound if perfectly used (e.g. call clean), but a timebomb as stands IMO. See #644
222 unsafe fn VecStorage::remove 0, unsound on bad index, but fn is unsafe. Otherwise sound.
229 unsafe impl DistinctStorage for VecStorage +1


Line What Notes
460 vec_arc +1, unsafe { ... }
-1, would like to see more tests involving drop types
-1, would like to see more tests involving specific storages


Line What Notes
53 fn Storage::channel 0, unsafe { ... } - I don't grok the safety invariants we need to hold here
59 fn Storage::event_emission 0, unsafe { ... } - I don't grok the safety invariants we need to hold here
72 fn Storage::channel_mut 0, unsafe { ... } - I don't grok the safety invariants we need to hold here
92 fn Storage::set_event_emission 0, unsafe { ... } - I don't grok the safety invariants we need to hold here


Well, this is a bit more complicated than simply doing generational indicies. Atomics... oh boy.

Line What Notes
51 struct Allocator 0, interplay of fields is underdocumented
Allocator::alive Lagging bitset derived from aliveness of generations, used for Join and not much else. Lags behind when *_atomic is used.
Allocator::raised, killed Tracks atomic ops specifically for later merge, otherwise ignored/internal.
Allocator::cache LIFO queue of entity IDs to reuse
Allocator::max_id next entity ID if no entity IDs to reuse
90 fn Allocator::kill_atomic 0, leaves generations alone? Is this an async kill?
114 fn Allocator::is_alive -1, doesn't this need to check !self.killed.contains(id) too?
131 fn Allocator::entity -1, doesn't this need to check !self.killed.contains(id) too?
188 fn Allocator::merge 0, why not push directly into cache?
211 struct CreateIterAtomic +1
223 struct Entity +1
256 struct EntitiesRes +1
321 unsafe fn EntitiesRes::open +1? don't fully grok preconds but this seems fine/safe
321 unsafe fn EntitiesRes::get +1? don't fully grok preconds but this seems fine/safe
336 unsafe impl ParJoin for EntitiesRes -1, don't fully grok preconds
341 struct EntityResBuilder +1
376 struct Generation +1, should maybe have a struct-level comment that negative = dead though? Although obvious from fn is_alive...
420 struct ZeroableGeneration +1
441 fn ZeroableGeneration::die 0, is debug_assert! enough? Seems like it'll go super off the rails in release builds, and other fns like raised panic. Internal method though...
451 fn ZeroableGeneration::raised 0, explicit checked_sub vs implicit for Generation::raised
470 struct EntityCache 0, needs better docs. Seems to be a semi-concurrent FILO index list for entity realloc.


Line What Notes
240 fn WorldExt::create_entity_unchecked -1, does this need to be an unsafe fn? What isn't checked? Just that you have exclusive world access?
281 fn WorldExt::is_alive 0, sketchy edge cases
392 fn World::is_alive 0, should this really be panicing on a dead generation? Doesn't that just mean the entity is dead?!?


Line What Notes
24 unsafe fn BitSet*::open +1, sure?
29 unsafe fn BitSet*::get +1, sure?
35 unsafe impl ParJoin for BitSet* 0, think this is fine?


Line What Notes
61 fn ChangeSet::add +1, unsafe { ... } - documents and abides by safety constraints
66 fn ChangeSet::add +1, unsafe { ... } - abides by safety constraints, docs seem a little off
77 fn ChangeSet::clear +1, unsafe { ... } - documents and abides by safety constraints
115 unsafe fn &mut ChangeSet::open +1, sure?
123 unsafe fn &mut ChangeSet::get -1, bypasses lifetime checks!
134 unsafe fn &ChangeSet::open +1, sure?
141 unsafe fn &ChangeSet::get +1, sure?
154 unsafe fn ChangeSet::open +1, sure?
161 unsafe fn ChangeSet::get +1, sure?


  • std::num::NonZeroI32
  • std::fmt::Formatter .debug_tuple().field().finish()
  • #[must_use] makes a lot of sense for builder patterns terminating in .build() has been able to verify that all files in the crate's tarball, except Cargo.lock, are in the crate's repository. Please note that this check is still in beta, and absence of this confirmation does not mean that the files don't match.

Crates in the registry are tarball snapshots uploaded by crates' publishers. The registry is not using crates' git repositories, so there is a possibility that published crates have a misleading repository URL, or contain different code from the code in the repository.

To review the actual code of the crate, it's best to use cargo crev open specs. Alternatively, you can download the tarball of specs v0.20.0 or view the source online.