#deserialize #transaction #signers #signed #data #introspection #instructions


Deserialize signed transactions from Ed25519Instruction data

12 unstable releases (3 breaking)

0.4.1 Sep 6, 2024
0.4.0 Sep 6, 2024
0.3.7 Sep 6, 2024
0.2.1 Sep 6, 2024
0.1.0 Sep 1, 2024

#4 in #signers

Download history 533/week @ 2024-08-31 224/week @ 2024-09-07 91/week @ 2024-09-14 57/week @ 2024-09-21

905 downloads per month

MIT license

408 lines

Solana Transaction Introspection

Deserialize signed Solana transactions into instructions, signers and blockhash from Ed25519Instruction data for use in payment channels and other L2 settlement scenarios.


  • Deserialize Transactions onchain: Deserialize Ed25519Instruction data into a SignedTransaction
  • Return signers: List signers of Ed25519Instruction to validate in your program

Data Structures


A struct representing the signed transaction, containing the following fields:

  • header: A SignedTransactionHeader including the number of signers and readonly accounts.
  • signers: A vector of unique public keys representing the signers of the transaction.
  • recent_blockhash: The blockhash at the time the transaction was created.
  • instructions: A vector of SignedTransactionInstruction structs representing the transaction's instructions.


A struct that holds metadata about the transaction:

  • signers: Number of writable signers.
  • readonly_signers: Number of readonly signers.
  • readonly: Number of readonly accounts.


A struct representing a single instruction in the transaction:

  • program_id: The program ID associated with this instruction.
  • accounts: A vector of public keys representing the accounts involved in the instruction.
  • data: A vector of bytes representing the instruction data.


To deserialize a signed transaction from bytes:

use solana_program::pubkey;
use solana_signer_transaction::SignedTransaction;

fn main() {
    let transaction_bytes = [/* Ed25519Instruction data */];
    let transaction = SignedTransaction::from_bytes(&transaction_bytes).unwrap();

    // Access transaction components
    println!("{:?}", transaction.signers);
    println!("{:?}", transaction.recent_blockhash);
    println!("{:?}", transaction.instructions);


Unit tests are included to verify the correctness of deserialization.

Running Tests

cargo test


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


~324K SLoC