2 unstable releases

0.1.0 Oct 24, 2019
0.0.0 Oct 24, 2019

#29 in #aws-credentials

MIT license

243 lines


An AWS SigV4 service cli

🍬 features

  • familiar interface
  • colors
  • pretty printed application/json responses
  • uses standard AWS credential chain for authenication

πŸ“¦ install

Via GitHub Releases

Prebuilt binaries for osx and linux and windows are available for download directly from GitHub Releases

$ curl -L \
 "https://github.com/softprops/sigv4/releases/download/v0.0.0/sigv4-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m).tar.gz" \
  | tar -xz

🀸 usage

If you know curl, you'll be right at home with with sigv4. It's interface was designed to be familiar to those that are all ready familiar with interacting with http services from the command line

sigv4 0.1.0
sign aws sigv4 requests like a pro

    sigv4 [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <uri>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -i, --include    Include HTTP headers in output
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -d, --data <data>            Optional request body to send with the request
    -H, --header <headers>...    Optional headers to include with the request
    -X, --request <method>       HTTP method [default: GET]
    -r, --region <region>        AWS Region your resource is hosted in [default: us-east-1]
    -s, --service <service>      AWS service name [default: execute-api]

    <uri>    Remote resource URI

πŸ““ resources

πŸ—ΊοΈ lambda setup

Let's say you're a company with a serverless strategy. You'll likely want to expose some private AWS Lambdas behind API GateWay and would like to limit access to your organization's internal use. The following outlines how you might go about doing that.

First you'll need to identify your AWS organiztaion id. You can get this from the Organizations console or the command line with the aws cli.

$ aws organizations \
  describe-organization \
  --query 'Organization.Id' \
  --output text

Secondly, you'll need to configure your API Gateway to only allow access to that organization.

With Serverless Framework, you can do this declaratively as part of your deployment by declaring a resourcePolicy that limits access to your AWS Organization Id and declare an aws_iam authorizer for your private functions in your serverless.yml file.


  name: aws
+  resourcePolicy:
+    - Effect: Allow
+      Principal: '*'
+      Action: execute-api:Invoke
+      Resource: arn:aws:execute-api:*
+      Condition:
+        StringEquals:
+          aws:PrincipalOrgID: YOUR_AWS_ORG_ID
+    - Effect: Deny
+      Principal: '*'
+      Action: execute-api:Invoke
+      Resource: arn:aws:execute-api:*
+      Condition:
+        StringNotEquals:
+          aws:PrincipalOrgID: YOUR_AWS_ORG_ID

      - http:
          path: '/'
          method: GET
+          authorizer: aws_iam

πŸ“ about sigv4

Security is a first class concern of any modern application. When you offload your services onto managed AWS infrustrcture this is not different when you expose that infrastructure over the internet. AWS offers a built-in security system for managing identity between services called IAM and defines a protocol authenticating requests between services that leverages that IAM information called signature v4 signed requests.

Doug Tangren (softprops) 2019


~667K SLoC