16 releases

new 0.3.2 Mar 10, 2025
0.3.1 Oct 14, 2024
0.3.0 Sep 1, 2024
0.2.10 Jun 28, 2024
0.1.6 Aug 8, 2023

#1 in #modeling


32K SLoC

Package sdml-cli

Crates.io Docs.rs

This package is part of the Rust SDML project and specifically implements the sdml command-line interface (CLI). The project's intent is to provide an idiomatic implementation of the in-memory model, parser, generators, and the CLI tool.

The following figure demonstrates this package in the broader project context.

Package Overview


To install the command-line tool on MacOS or Linux use the Homebrew package manager and the SDML Tap. Installing in this way also installs dependencies such as GraphViz and PlantUML used for diagram generation.

 brew install sdm-lang/sdml/sdml

You can check that you have the tool installed and on the path with the following check.

  sdml versions               
SDML CLI:        0.2.7
SDML grammar:    0.2.16
Tree-Sitter ABI: 14

Install via cargo

Cargo is usually installed with the Rust toolchain using rustup.

The following command should download and build the tool, and will also work to install any updates.

 cargo install sdml-cli

Cargo will sometimes report that you have the latest version installed, to be sure you can force it to install regardless with the --force option.

 cargo install sdml-cli --force

Install from source

To install the CLI from source you need to clone the entire repository.

 git clone https://github.com/sdm-lang/rust-sdml.git

In the rust-sdml directory you can build/test/install using the following commands.

 cargo build
 cargo test
 cargo install --path sdml-cli

Global Options

Certain command-line options act on all commands, these must appear before the command. The SDML tool has a log-filter and a no-color global option.

The set of packages making up rust-sdml all have extensive logging which can be enabled when running the tool. The global argument --log-filter takes a log level and displays any log event with a severity greater than, or equal to, the filter.

 sdml --log-filter tracing versions
2024-02-20T19:06:53.141741Z  INFO sdml: Log level set to `LevelFilter::Tracing`
2024-02-20T19:06:53.141877Z TRACE sdml: Commands::execute self: Versions
SDML CLI:        0.2.7
SDML grammar:    0.2.16
Tree-Sitter ABI: 14

Some of the commands will, by default, use colored output which can be a problem if you save a file for future processing as the control characters play havoc with diff tools for example.

 sdml --no-color versions
 NO_COLOR=1  sdml versions
 CLI_COLOR=0 sdml versions


Input Files

Getting Help

 sdml --help
Rust CLI for Simple Domain Modeling Language (SDML)

Usage: sdml [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  convert    Convert module into alternate representations
  draw       Draw diagrams from a module
  deps       Show module dependencies
  doc        Document a module
  highlight  Syntax highlight a module source
  tags       Extract tags from a module
  validate   Validate a module
  versions   Show tool and library versions
  view       View formatted module source code
  help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --log-filter <LOG_FILTER>
          Level of logging to enable
          [default: none]

          Possible values:
          - none:        Turn off all logging
          - errors:      Enable error logging only
          - warnings:    Enable warnings and above
          - information: Enable information and above
          - debugging:   Enable debugging and above
          - tracing:     Enable tracing (ALL) and above

          Turn off color for code emitters
          [env: NO_COLOR=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

Representation Conversion

This command (convert) allows the conversion of a module from the SDML surface syntax into one of a number of alternate representations.


This uses the surface to RDF mapping defined in the SDML Language Reference. The mapping is normative and stable.


This is a direct representation of the in-memory model in the Rust package sdml_core in JSON. This mapping is non-normative and may change according to any model structure change.


This is a debugging representation, and supported as the underlying tree-sitter library uses s-expressions as a parse-tree visualization.

Dependency Visualization

This command (dep) generates a representation of the transitive closure of dependencies for a given module into one of a number of alternate representations.

As Text Tree

Show dependencies as a text tree with the original as the root.

 sdml deps sdml
├── owl
   ├── rdf
   │   └── rdfs
   │       └── rdf
   ├── rdfs
   └── xsd
       ├── rdf
       └── rdfs
├── rdf
├── rdfs
├── skos
   ├── rdf
   └── rdfs
└── xsd

In some cases the entire set of dependencies is not necessary and the --depth argument can be added to only show a number of levels of import from the root. The depth argument instructs to command to stop after that many dependencies away from the original module. Setting depth to 1 will only show the direct dependencies of the original.

 sdml deps --depth 1 sdml
├── owl
├── rdf
├── rdfs
├── skos
└── xsd

As GraphViz Graph

Create an SVG representation of the dependency graph using GraphViz.

 sdml deps --output-format graph sdml > sdml-deps.svg
❯ open -a Safari sdml-deps.svg


As RDF Statements

Create a set of RDF statements,as N-Triples, that represent the individual OWL import relationships.

 sdml deps --depth 1 --output-format rdf sdml
<http://sdml.io/sdml-owl.ttl#> <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#imports> <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
<http://sdml.io/sdml-owl.ttl#> <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#imports> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
<http://sdml.io/sdml-owl.ttl#> <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#imports> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
<http://sdml.io/sdml-owl.ttl#> <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#imports> <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
<http://sdml.io/sdml-owl.ttl#> <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#imports> <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

Diagram Generation

This command (draw) generates diagrams of a module with different perspectives.

Concept Diagram

 sdml draw --diagram concepts --o example-concepts.svg -i example/example.sdm
 open -a Safari example-concepts.svg


Entity Relationship Diagram

 sdml draw --diagram entity-relationship --o example-erd.svg -i example/example.sdm
 open -a Safari example-erd.svg


UML Class Diagram

 sdml draw --diagram uml-class --o example-uml.svg -i example/example.sdm
 open -a Safari example-uml.svg


Document (Project) Generation

This command (doc-book) creates structured documentation for a collection of modules, and includes annotations, constraints and all definition types. The generated documentation also include diagrams and dependency graphs.

In Org-mode

Create an Emacs org-mode formatted file. This format allows all content to be written into a single file with export options to HTML, LaTeX, Word, PDF and more.

Document (Module) Generation

This command (doc) creates structured documentation for a module, and includes annotations, constraints and all definition types. The generated documentation also include diagrams and dependency graphs.

In Org-mode

Create an Emacs org-mode formatted file. This format allows all content to be written into a single file with export options to HTML, LaTeX, Word, PDF and more.

In Markdown

Create a markdown formatted file, this file uses GitHub-flavored markdown to allow for some better content formatting than CommonMark.

Module Highlighting


XRef Tag Generation



This command (validate) provides deep validation of a module's content, including errors, warnings, and linter-like advice. Checks are run not only on the initial module, but it's transitively loaded dependencies.

 sdml validate --level all -i examples/errors/i0506.sdm
note[I0506]: identifier not using preferred casing
  ┌─ examples/errors/i0506.sdm:1:8
1 │ module Example <https://example.com/api> is
  │        ^^^^^^^ this identifier
  = expected snake case (snake_case)
  = help: for more details, see <https://sdml.io/errors/#I0506>

note[I0506]: identifier not using preferred casing
  ┌─ examples/errors/i0506.sdm:3:13
3 │   structure access_record is
               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this identifier
  = expected upper camel case (UpperCamelCase)
  = help: for more details, see <https://sdml.io/errors/#I0506>

Additionally, a short-form option will generate diagnostics using a CSV format that is easier for tools to parse. The fields in this format are: severity, file name, start line, start column, end line, end column, error code, and message.

 sdml validate --level all --short-form -i examples/errors/i0506.sdm
note,examples/errors/i0506.sdm,1,8,1,15,I0506,identifier not using preferred casing
note,examples/errors/i0506.sdm,3,13,3,26,I0506,identifier not using preferred casing

Version Information

This command (versions) shows more information than the simple --version global argument and is useful for debugging.

 sdml versions               
SDML CLI:        0.2.7
SDML grammar:    0.2.16
Tree-Sitter ABI: 14

Module Viewer

This command (view) will generate source code from a module file, which at first seems redundant. However, this view provides levels of detail that allow for an overview of module definitions. The --level argument can be used to elide content and get an overview of a module.

Definitions Only

Show only the definitions in the module, any definition body will be elided, for an overview of the module contents. Elided definitions are followed by ";; ...".

 sdml view --level definitions -i examples/example.sdm
module example <https://example.com/api> is

  import [ dc xsd ]

  datatype Uuid <- sdml:string ;; ...

  entity Example ;; ...



Show definitions in the module and show the members of product types and variants of sum types but not their bodies if present.

 sdml view --level members -i examples/example.sdm
module example <https://example.com/api> is

  import [ dc xsd ]

  datatype Uuid <- sdml:string ;; ...

  entity Example is
    version -> Uuid
    name -> sdml:string ;; ...



Show all contents of the module.

 sdml view --level full -i examples/example.sdm
module example <https://example.com/api> is

  import [ dc xsd ]

  datatype Uuid <- sdml:string is
    @xsd:pattern = "[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}"

  entity Example is
    version -> Uuid
    name -> sdml:string is
      @dc:description = "the name of this thing"@en



Version 0.3.2

  • Style: Changed cargo file to use license key instead of license-file.

Version 0.3.1

  • Feature: added new generate command which uses the sdml-tera package for template-driven generators.

Version 0.3.0

  • Feature: updates to support the latest grammar, see sdml-core.
  • Refactor: use the latest ~Generator~ trait.

Version 0.2.10

  • Feature: added new command doc-book to create a more complex documentation output for a collection of modules.
  • Build: bump version of sdml-errors, sdml-core, and sdml-generate.

Version 0.2.9

  • Build: update dependency from sdml_error to sdml-errors.
  • Build: bump versions of sdml-core, sdml-parse, sdml-generate.

Version 0.2.8

  • Build: upgrade to sdml_core version 0.2.14 and the new ModelStore trait.

Version 0.2.7

  • Feature: better error handling in conjunction with the validation and diagnostics in sdml-errors.

Version 0.2.6

  • Build: update dependencies.

Version 0.2.5

  • Feature: Add new --no-color flag to the CLI which also uses the NO_COLOR environment variable.
  • Feature: Removed indirect dependencies from Cargo.toml.
  • Update: New generator features for colored RDF.

Version 0.2.4

  • Feature: Add new source command to call the new source generator.
  • Fix: Change the description of depth parameter for deps command, 0 is the default which means all depths are included in the output.
  • Update: Use new generator traits that require a module cache parameter.

Version 0.2.3

  • Feature: add new stdlib modules with standard layout.
  • Feature: minor refactor of cache and loader.

Version 0.2.2

  • Feature: Update to latest grammar for version URIs and RDF definitions.
    • Add support for base URI on modules.
    • Add support for version info and URI on modules.
    • Add support for version URI on module import.
    • Parse RDF definitions for classes and properties.

Version 0.2.1

  • Feature: Remove member groups.

Version 0.2.0

  • Feature: Update to latest grammar.
    • Remove ValueVariant numeric values.
    • Update formal constraints.
    • Add type classes.

Version 0.1.6

  • Updated dependencies.

Version 0.1.5

Initial stand-alone crate.

Version 0.1.4

Previously part of a single crate sdml.


~658K SLoC