#npm-package #package #generator #release #nodejs

bin+lib rustwrap

A tool that helps wrap binary releases for easy distribution

6 stable releases

1.0.5 Mar 7, 2023
1.0.4 Dec 15, 2022
1.0.0 Dec 12, 2022

#24 in #release

39 downloads per month


898 lines


A tool that helps wrap binary releases for easy distribution. Currently supporting:

  • npm - npm install -g your-tool will make your binary your-tool available via the CLI. rustwrap creates the necessary binary packages and root package with a Node.js shim that delegates running to your platform-specific bin.
  • Homebrew - creates a recipe and saves or publishes it to your tap.


For macOS:

brew tap rusty-ferris-club/tap && brew install rustwrap

Through cargo:

cargo install rustwrap

Or cargo-binstall for installing binaries (save compilation time):

cargo binstall rustwrap

Otherwise, grab a release from releases and run rustwrap --help:

Getting started

Build a single rustwrap.yaml, and describe which releases you have an where to get them per platform, and your provider blocks.

Use __VERSION__ when you want the actual version replaced.

  - platform: win32
    arch: x64
    url_template: https://github.com/rusty-ferris-club/recon/releases/download/v__VERSION__/recon-x86_64-windows.zip
  - platform: linux
    arch: x64
    url_template: https://github.com/rusty-ferris-club/recon/releases/download/v__VERSION__/recon-x86_64-linux.tar.xz
  - platform: darwin
    arch: x64
    url_template: https://github.com/rusty-ferris-club/recon/releases/download/v__VERSION__/recon-x86_64-macos.tar.xz
  - platform: darwin
    arch: x64
    url_template: https://github.com/rusty-ferris-club/recon/releases/download/v__VERSION__/recon-aarch64-macos.tar.xz

# provider: npm
# both recon-root.json and recon-sub.json paths are relative to working folder
  publish: false # dont publish to npm, just generate the packages on disk
  org: "@recontools"
  name: recon
    name: recon-tool
    manifest: rustwrap/fixtures/config/recon-root.json
    readme: rustwrap/fixtures/config/README.md
    manifest: rustwrap/fixtures/config/recon-sub.json
    readme: rustwrap/fixtures/config/README.md

# provider: homebrew
  name: recon
  publish: true # push an update commit to the tap repo
  tap: jondot/homebrew-tap
  recipe_fname: recon.rb
  recipe_template: |
    class Recon < Formula
      desc "recon"
      homepage "http://www.example.com"
      version "__VERSION__"
      url "__URL__"
      sha256 "__SHA__"

      def install
        bin.install "recon"

With your rustwrap.yaml and relevant files in the current working folder, run:

$ rustwrap --tag 0.6.0

The --tag value replaces the __VERSION__ value.


This tool was inspired in part by the Rome toolchain and infrastructure built for releasing Rome on npm.

I gave it some generic abilities (downloading releases independently) and tweaks, and extended it with a Homebrew provider, something which I needed for a while now.

  • It can be used for any self-contained binary produced in any language, not just Rust
  • Accepting PRs for more providers


We are accepting PRs. Feel free to submit PRs.

To all Contributors - you make this happen, thanks!


Copyright (c) 2022 @jondot. See LICENSE for further details.


Rustwrap is a tool that helps wrap binary releases for easy distribution. Currently supporting:

  • npm - npm install -g your-tool will make your binary your-tool available via the CLI. rustwrap creates the necessary binary packages and root package with a Node.js shim that delegates running to your platform-specific bin.
  • Homebrew - creates a recipe and saves or publishes it to your tap.


~567K SLoC