4 releases (2 stable)

3.0.1 Feb 13, 2025
2.0.0 Jan 28, 2025
1.0.1 Jan 28, 2025
0.3.1 Nov 30, 2024
0.2.2 Aug 24, 2024

#174 in Algorithms

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MIT license

4.5K SLoC

Implementation of a rolling grid. A type that stores values in a 2D (or 3D) grid and can translate the grid to a new location. This is ideal for pseudo-infinite worlds where you want a buffer to store a region of chunks that can be moved around. Moving the region (and setting new values) is O(n) where n is the number of cells that would change position during the move operation. The move operation will call a callback with the old position, the new position, and the old value and the callback is expected to return the new value. This functionality allows you to move the grid and save any cells being unloaded and load the new cell at the same time. The move operation can be thought of as a 2D (or 3D) ring buffer. If it were 1D, a move operation might look like this:

Offset: 1
   old: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
   new: [1, 2, 3, 4, 0]

As you can see, the 0 was moved to the end of the buffer. Since the 0 was moved to the end of the buffer, it needs to be reloaded, so the move operation will call reload:

reload(0, 5, Some(0))

Let's say you had this grid:


If you were to translate it by the offset (1, 1), the result would be this grid (without modifying the values during repositioning):


Now, that's not the benefit of this library. When repositioning the grid, it doesn't move any elements at all. Instead, it keeps track of movement offsets and allows the reposition operation to be really fast because it's not actually moving anything around in memory. It calculates the offset and wrap offset (the offset where (0, 0) begins, everything before that is wrapped to the end). Then the algorithm calculates which cells should change and calls the supplied callback for each of those cells.

Here are a couple examples in practice

let mut grid = RollGrid2D::new((4, 4), (0, 0), |pos: (i32, i32)| {
println!("Initial grid:");
let mut iterations = 0;
let mut changes = vec![];
grid.reposition((1, 2), |old, new, cell_mut| {
    iterations += 1;
    changes.push((old, new));
    *cell_mut = new;
for (old, new) in changes {
    println!("{old:?} moved to {new:?}");
println!("Grid repositioned to (1, 2) with {iterations} iterations:");
println!("Cell at (4, 5): {:?}", grid.get_copy((4, 5)).unwrap());
println!("Cell at (0, 0): {:?}", grid.get_copy((0, 0)));


Initial grid:
    [( 0,  0), ( 1,  0), ( 2,  0), ( 3,  0)]
    [( 0,  1), ( 1,  1), ( 2,  1), ( 3,  1)]
    [( 0,  2), ( 1,  2), ( 2,  2), ( 3,  2)]
    [( 0,  3), ( 1,  3), ( 2,  3), ( 3,  3)]
(0, 2) moved to (4, 2)
(0, 3) moved to (4, 3)
(1, 0) moved to (1, 4)
(2, 0) moved to (2, 4)
(3, 0) moved to (3, 4)
(1, 1) moved to (1, 5)
(2, 1) moved to (2, 5)
(3, 1) moved to (3, 5)
(0, 0) moved to (4, 4)
(0, 1) moved to (4, 5)
Grid repositioned to (1, 2) with 10 iterations:
    [( 1,  2), ( 2,  2), ( 3,  2), ( 4,  2)]
    [( 1,  3), ( 2,  3), ( 3,  3), ( 4,  3)]
    [( 1,  4), ( 2,  4), ( 3,  4), ( 4,  4)]
    [( 1,  5), ( 2,  5), ( 3,  5), ( 4,  5)]
Cell at (4, 5): (4, 5)
Cell at (0, 0): None

One more example, a little more advanced:

chunks.reposition((chunk_x, chunk_z), |old_pos, (x, z), chunk| {
    self.unload_chunk(&mut chunk);
    chunk.block_offset = Coord::new(x * 16, WORLD_BOTTOM, z * 16);
    if let Some(region) = regions.get_mut((x >> 5, z >> 5)) {
        let result = region.read((x & 31, z & 31), |reader| {
            chunk.read_from(reader, self)
        match result {
            Err(Error::ChunkNotFound) => (/* Do nothing, that just means it's an empty chunk */),
            Err(err) => {
                panic!("Error: {err}");
            _ => (),
        chunk.edit_time = region.get_timestamp((x & 31, z & 31));
    chunk.block_offset.x = x * 16;
    chunk.block_offset.z = z * 16;

This reposition method works for the 2d and 3d variants of the rollgrid. You can modify this code to fit your purpose.



Bug Fixes
  • Integer overflows in as many places as I could find.
  • Major bug that caused the grids to become invalidated during resize_and_reposition operation.
  • Added Grid2D and Grid3D.
  • Added math module, for some useful math functionality that this crate uses.
  • Added new_zst constructor to RollGrid2D<()> and RollGrid3D<()>.
  • Added new_1d and try_new_1d functions to FixedArray.
  • Added into_raw and from_raw to FixedArray.
  • Added subgrid, subgrid_mut, copy_subgrid, and clone_subgrid to RollGrid2D and RollGrid3D.
  • Implemented Send for RollGrid2D<T> where T: Send.
  • Implemented Send for RollGrid3D<T> where T: Send.
  • Implemented Sync for RollGrid2D<T> where T: Sync.
  • Implemented Sync for RollGrid3D<T> where T: Sync.
  • Implemented Clone for FixedArray<T> where T: Clone.
  • Implemented Clone for RollGrid2D<T> where T: Clone.
  • Implemented Clone for RollGrid3D<T> where T: Clone.
  • Implemented FromIterator for FixedArray.
  • Implemented From<Vec<T>> for FixedArray<T>.
  • Implemented From<Box<[T]>> for FixedArray<T>.
  • Implemented Index<(i32, i32)> for RollGrid2D<T>.
  • Implemented IndexMut<(i32, i32)> for RollGrid2D<T>.
  • Implemented Index<(i32, i32, i32)> for RollGrid3D<T>.
  • Implemented IndexMut<(i32, i32, i32)> for RollGrid3D<T>.
  • Implemented AsRef<FixedArray<T>> for FixedArray<T>.
  • Implemented AsMut<FixedArray<T>> for FixedArray<T>.
  • Implemented AsRef<[T]> for FixedArray<T>.
  • Implemented AsMut<[T]> for FixedArray<T>.
  • Implemented Borrow<[T]> for FixedArray<T>.
  • Implemented BorrowMut<[T]> for FixedArray<T>.
  • Modified RollGrid2D and RollGrid3D to use u32 for dimensions rather than usize. This makes it more clear what types of values should be used.
  • Reset capacity in FixedArray::internal_dealloc instead of FixedArray::dealloc.
  • Modified FixedArray::into_raw to be a static function rather than a method.
  • relative_offset now returns (i64, ...) instead of (i32, ...).
  • Operations that took dimensions as individual arguments now take them as tuples.
  • read in RollGrid2D and RollGrid3D now returns T instead of Option<T> and panics if the coordinate is out of bounds.


  • Changed the internal representation of the cells in RollGrid2D and RollGrid3D from Box<[Option<T>]> to rollgrid::cells::FixedArray<T>. FixedArray is an internal type that was created to fulfill the needs of this crate.
  • Removed generic coordinate parameters. Coordinate arguments must be explicitly (i32, i32) for RollGrid2D and (i32, i32, i32) for RollGrid3D.
  • For reposition functions, the reload callback now takes &mut T rather than Option<T> and returns () instead of Option<T>.
  • For resize functions, the manage parameter is now a generic of the trait CellManage<C, T>, which separates the functionality of load, reload, and unload. There is also TryCellManage<C, T, E> for the fallible resize functions.
  • Removed get_opt, get_opt_mut, and set_opt.
  • Removed get_or_insert and get_or_insert_with.
  • Removed take.
  • Changed the Item for RollGridXDIterator and RollGridXDMutIterator. Now returns &T/&mut T rather than Option<&T>/Option<&mut T>.
  • Replaced the new constructor for RollGrid2D and RollGrid3D with the new_with_init constructor. new_with_init is now called new and the original new no longer exists. Likewise changed the name of try_new_with_init to try_new.
  • In RollGrid2D, changed the inflate/deflate to use both width and height rather than inflating/deflating both simultaneously. This is to ensure parity with RollGrid3D.

