21 releases (5 breaking)

0.6.0 Nov 29, 2022
0.5.2 Nov 16, 2022
0.4.1 Aug 24, 2022
0.3.2 Aug 5, 2022
0.1.4 Mar 25, 2022

#1235 in HTTP server

Download history 12/week @ 2024-09-18 10/week @ 2024-09-25 4/week @ 2024-10-02

92 downloads per month
Used in 2 crates

MIT license

1.5K SLoC

Resp Result

Help data structure for web framework response

Github Crates.io Licente


  • Result will become 500 using as web framework response type when Err(_), the action usually not I expect
  • using non-Result type as web framework response type cannot using ?, the code will fill with if let or match

that why I need a RespResult, which can

  • control respond code or other message when it become RespResult::Err, not always 500
  • impl the Try thus can using friendly ? to simplify code

note: because the Try not stable yet, this crate need Nightly rust



add resp-result into your crate

resp-result = "*"

feature flags

  • for-axum: enable axum support, that will impl IntoResponse for RespResult

  • for-actix eable actix-web support, that will impl Responder for RespResult

  • extra-error: enable extra error message in trait RespError

  • log: make tracing also logger to the log

  • tracing : enable recorder using tracing

  • axum-full : equal to for-axum + extra-error

  • actix-full : equal to for-actix + extra-error

  • nightly_try_v2 : impl Try for RespResult making it can using ?, it will enable feature try_trait_v2 and require Nightly rust compiler

Define an Error

RespResult<T,E> require the E impl the RespError

for example

use resp_result::{RespError, RespResult};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use http::StatusCode;

pub struct PlainError(String);

impl RespError for PlainError{
    fn log_message(&self) -> Cow<'_, str> {
        Cow::Owned(format!("PlainError: {}", self.0))

    fn resp_message(&self) -> Cow<'_, str> {

    fn http_code(&self) -> StatusCode {

    type ExtraMessage = String;

    fn extra_message(&self) -> Self::ExtraMessage {
/// this can be use as handler return type
type PlainRResult<T> = RespResult<T, PlainError>;

Bound of T in RespResult<T, E>

The T require implement Serialize and has 'static lifetime

Using it

the following is an example for using RespResult

use resp_result::{RespError, RespResult};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use http::StatusCode;

pub struct PlainError(String);

impl RespError for PlainError{
    fn log_message(&self) -> Cow<'_, str> {
        Cow::Owned(format!("PlainError: {}", self.0))

    type ExtraMessage = String;

    fn extra_message(&self) -> Self::ExtraMessage {
/// this can be use as handler return type
type PlainRResult<T> = RespResult<T, PlainError>;

pub async fn welcome_short_name(name: String) -> PlainRResult<String>{
    if name.len() >= 8{
        // you can using `?` just like the function that return `Result`
        Err(PlainError("the name size great then 8".to_string()))?;

    if name.len() >= 4 {
        // `Result::Ok` can convert into `RespResult::Success` just using `into`
        Ok(format!("welcome! {name} with size great then 4")).into()
        // or just direct using `RespResult::ok`
        RespResult::ok(format!("welcome! {name}"))

ExtraFlag and ExtraFlags

In general the RespResult::Success is always generate response with status code 200 OK and using serde_json serialize the body into json. But sometimes we want return an 304 Not Modified with empty body to tell the client the resource do not change. To support above using situation, comes out the ExtraFlag and ExtraFlags

Extra Flag

extra flag have 4 different type can bring different effect on response

  • empty_body: this flag will stop RespResult perform serialize into response body
  • status: this flag will overwrite StatusCode of response
  • set-header: this flag will insert or append provide header into response header map
  • remove-header: this flag will remove header from response header map

different extra flags can using + to combine effect or += to adding effect

Extra Flags

extra flags is a set of extra flag


flag wrap provide a wrap to send extra flag

when using extra flag, you need change return type from RespResult<T, E> to RespResult<FlagWrap<T>, E>

the follow example change Status Code to 404 Not Found

use resp_result::{RespError, RespResult, FlagWrap, ExtraFlag};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use http::StatusCode;

pub struct PlainError(String);

impl RespError for PlainError{
    fn log_message(&self) -> Cow<'_, str> {
        Cow::Owned(format!("PlainError: {}", self.0))

    type ExtraMessage = String;

    fn extra_message(&self) -> Self::ExtraMessage {
/// this can be use as handler return type
type PlainRResult<T> = RespResult<T, PlainError>;

pub async fn welcome_short_name(
    name: String,
    ) -> PlainRResult<FlagWrap<String>>{
        if name.len() >= 8{
                format!("welcome! {name} your name size is {}",name.len()))
                // using `with_flags` to covert RespResult<T, E>
                // to `RespResult<FlagWrap<T>, E>`
                // using `()` for no extra flags
            // suing `flag_ok` direct construct a flag with resp result
                format!("Welcome! {name}"),

Effect RespResult behavior

by default the RespResult will serialize the response body like that

  "is-ok": true,
  "error-message": "...",
  "extra-msg": "...",
  "body": null

the default behavior can be changed by using set_config to set global configuration

for example, by config, we can change response body into following

  "status": "fail",
  "reterror": 10001,
  "message": "something wrong",
  "body": null


~168K SLoC