#logo #favicon #github-api #web-scraping #website #cli

nightly bin+lib repo_icons

Get icons for any github repo

22 releases

0.3.3 Dec 24, 2022
0.3.2 Nov 13, 2022
0.2.6 Oct 9, 2022
0.1.13 Jul 24, 2022
0.1.1 Feb 4, 2021

#602 in Images

Download history 14/week @ 2024-03-30 1/week @ 2024-04-06

64 downloads per month
Used in git-icons

GPL-3.0 license

1.5K SLoC


Crates.io Documentation GitHub Sponsors

An API / Rust Library / CLI to get icons for any GitHub repo. Try it out

API screenshot


  • Super fast!
  • Partially downloads images to find the sizes
  • Extracts images from the repo's homepage using site_icons
  • Supports WASM (and cloudflare workers)


You can test it out locally, by downloading & running the CLI:

cargo install repo_icons

repo-icons facebook/react
#  site_logo svg
# https://reactjs.org/icons/icon-512x512.png?v=f4d46f030265b4c48a05c999b8d93791 app_icon png 512x512
# https://reactjs.org/icons/icon-384x384.png?v=f4d46f030265b4c48a05c999b8d93791 app_icon png 384x384

Rust usage

use repo_icons::RepoIcons;

let icons = RepoIcons::load("facebook", "react").await?;

for icon in icons {
  println("{:?}", icon)

Deploying to Cloudflare Workers

Clone this repo locally, and then:

cd api
wrangler publish

Running locally

Install cargo make and then:

# to run cli
cargo make run facebook/react

# or to run the API devserver
cd api
cargo make run


~453K SLoC