2 unstable releases

0.3.0 Jul 3, 2024
0.2.0 Jun 30, 2024
0.1.0 Jun 30, 2024

#31 in #data-transfer

MIT license

398 lines


quicsock is a high-level and high-performance data transfer library, built on top of the quinn library.
It allows for secure and efficient data transfers, with support for both self-signed and specified TLS certificates.

Note: This project is currently under development and may breaking changes.


  • High-speed data transfer using QUIC protocol
  • Secure communication: Connections are encrypted using TLS
  • Flexible certificate management: Use specified certificates or generate self-signed certificates
  • Support for large file transfer


Add quicsock to your dependencies

quicsock = "0.3"

For more details, see examples or doc.


~438K SLoC