#intel-sgx #sgx #cosmwasm #cycle #cosmos #smart-contracts #quartz

bin+lib quartz-tcbinfo

Standalone CosmWasm smart contract for storage and verification of TcbInfos for Intel SGX

1 unstable release

new 0.1.0 Oct 16, 2024

#683 in Magic Beans

Download history 172/week @ 2024-10-14

172 downloads per month


696 lines

CosmWasm SGX TcbInfo Smart Contract

Standalone smart contract for storage and verification of TcbInfos for Intel SGX. The contract ensures that TcbInfos are kept up-to-date so other contracts can query the latest TcbInfo state using the quote's fmspc during remote attestation verification to ensure the attesting enclave setup is up-to-date.


The contract provides the following functionalities:

  • Instantiate: Initialize the contract with a root certificate.
  • Execute: Store and verify TcbInfo along with the provided certificate and optional timestamp.
  • Query: Retrieve the latest TcbInfo using the FMSPC.

Usage (with wasmd)

  • Submit a new TcbInfo for a specific fmspc
export EXECUTE='{
  "tcb_info": "{\"tcbInfo\":{ /* ... */ },\"signature\":\"647bac99371750892415557b838237839e52b02afe027a43322fe661f4a1a693b04a82717120d74bccf2b3787bf7e9ecbe44caa06e6e532b7a68a21b2765663d\"}
  "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\\n /* ... */ \\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
wasmd tx wasm execute "$CONTRACT" "$EXECUTE" --from alice --chain-id testing -y
  • Query the latest TcbInfo by fmspc
wasmd query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRACT" '{"get_tcb_info": {"fmspc": "00906ED50000"}}'


~546K SLoC