#prime #cli-interface #number-theroy

bin+lib primeval

A monstrosity of a prime number generator

10 releases (1 stable)

Uses old Rust 2015

1.0.0 Aug 15, 2019
0.2.4 May 3, 2019
0.2.2 Dec 19, 2018
0.1.5 Dec 19, 2018
0.0.4 Dec 19, 2018

#1417 in Math

MIT license

83 lines


Build Status

A monstrosity of a prime number generator. (It's dead simple)


  • ZERO Dependencies (will always be this way)
  • CLI Interface
  • Rust library (see crates.io)
  • Tiny <150 lines of Rust code



  • primeval help: displays a help menu.
  • primeval gen <limit>: generates all the prime numbers up to a limit
  • primeval prime <number>: determines whether a number is prime or not
  • primeval version: shows version info

Rust Crate


extern crate primeval;

fn main(){
  // Primality?
  let result = primeval::is_prime(2);
  // Generation, in this case all the primes from 0 - 1000
  let result: Vec<usize> = primeval::primes_gen(1000).collect::<Vec<_>>();

Installation (CLI)

  1. git clone https://github.com/ajmwagar/primeval-rs
  2. cd primeval-rs
  3. cargo build --release
  4. cd target/release
  5. ./primeval help
  6. Profit!

You can also move the binary into /usr/bin or somewhere else in your PATH to use from anywhere.

Tests & Benchmarks

  • To run the test suite: cargo test
    • Always looking for more! (Submit a pull request)
  • To benchmark Primeval: cargo bench
    • Benchmarks prime number generation up to 1000000


  • Rust Module/API
  • Cleaner UI/CLI
  • More SPEED!
  • Factorization
  • Larger number support
  • Heat death of the universe

No runtime deps