3 releases

0.1.2 Aug 1, 2024
0.1.1 Jul 26, 2024
0.1.0 Jul 26, 2024

#12 in #pomodoro-timer

49 downloads per month

ISC license

535 lines


A small command line utility for running Pomodoro timers. Uses sockets instead of polling a file each time you check the timer.


Using cargo

cargo install pomo-cli


pomo start Start a new timer


-a, --auto whether to automatically start the next timer when done

-d, --duration length of work period in minutes

-b, --break-duration length of break period in minutes

--long-break-interval do a long break every nth time, set to 0 to never do a long break

--long-break-duration length of long break in minutes

--help display usage information

pomo pause Pause a running timer

pomo resume Resume a paused timer

pomo stop Stop the currently running timer

pomo status Get the status of the currently running timer. Prints the timer time as W for Work timer and B for Break timer, along with the minutes and seconds left.

pomo next Skip to the next timer without finishing the current one.


You can create script hooks to run when a timer starts, pauses or is finished. Create the files start.sh, pause.sh and finish.sh in the ~/.config/pomo/ directory, and they will be run during these events. The type of timer (Work, Break) will be available in the $TIMER_TYPE variable.

#! /bin/bash

say $TIMER_TYPE timer started



  • Write tests


~204K SLoC