12 releases (4 breaking)

0.5.1 Jun 27, 2023
0.5.0 Jun 27, 2023
0.4.0 Jun 10, 2023
0.3.2 May 1, 2023
0.1.2 Apr 19, 2023

#5 in #cloudflare-workers

MIT license

482 lines

PlanetScale Serverless Driver for Rust™

Rust "version" of database-js. As stated in database-js it uses PlanetScale HTTP api for database queries. It will perfectly run on Cloudflare Workers Or Vercel Edge Functions.


cargo add planetscale-driver
# also "cargo add anyhow"

Then proceed like in examples!


Connection and simple SQL execution

use planetscale_driver::PSConnection;

let conn = PSConnection::new(
let res = conn.execute("SELECT 1").await.unwrap();


As you can see, deserialization doesn't use field names (MAYBE IN FUTURE) so remember to write your structs correctly!

use planetscale_driver::{Database, query};

#[derive(Database, Debug)]
struct TestD {
  val: u32

// ...

let res: TestD = query("SELECT 1").fetch_one(&conn).await?;
println!("{:?}", res);

let res: Vec<TestD> = query("SELECT val FROM testds").fetch_all(&conn).await?;
println!("{:?}", res);

let res: bool = query("SELECT true").fetch_scalar(&conn).await?;
println!("{:?}", res);


If you want to bind safely values into your query, you should use QueryBuilder

Note: now query method is wrapper around QueryBuilder

// ...

// note: values passed to .bind function must have trait ToString 
let id = 69;
let name = "420";

// res there will be empty result, if you want to get reponse data use "execute_raw"
let res = query("INSERT INTO test(id, name) VALUES($0, \"$1\")")


use planetscale_driver::{Database, DatabaseJSON, query};

#[derive(Database, Debug)]
pub struct TestD {
    pub val: u32,
    pub test: TestJSON,

#[derive(DatabaseJSON, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct TestJSON {
    pub text: String,
    pub test: u32,

// ...

let json: TestJSON = TestJSON {
    text: "test1234321".to_string(),
    test: 1234,

let res: TestD = query("SELECT 1010, '$0'").bind(json).fetch_one(&conn).await?;
println!("{:?}", res);


// ...

conn.transaction(|conn| async move {

    conn.execute("OTHER QUERY")

    //     ^- use question mark to propagate errors "up"
    //        it's required if you want to rollback changes after error



This crate uses reqwest for making http requests. By default, this crate will use the default-tls feature of reqwest which may not build in your environment (e.g. netlify serverless functions). You can override this by disabling the default features of this crate and enabling a different reqwest tls feature like so:

planetscale-driver = {version="0.5.0", default-features=false}
reqwest= {version= "0.11.17", default-features=false, features=["rustls-tls"]}

Warning If you simply disable default features and do not enable a different tls feature, reqwest will panic at runtime.

More examples in the examples folder

If you want to run them:

PS_HOST=<host> PS_USER=<username> PS_PASS=<pscale_password> cargo run --example <example_name>


~327K SLoC