4 releases

0.0.4 Jan 5, 2020
0.0.3 Jan 4, 2020
0.0.2 Jan 4, 2020
0.0.1 Dec 27, 2019

#2827 in Command line utilities

MIT license


pkger 📦🐳

Package building tool utilizing Docker.

The main purpose of pkger is to automate building .rpm or .deb (perhaps more in the future) packages on multiple operating systems, versions and architectures.


Config file has a following structure:

images_dir = ""
recipes_dir = ""
output_dir = ""
  • images_dir - directory with images
    • Each image is a directory containing a Dockerfile and files to be imported with it
    • Image name is the directory name
  • recipes_dir - directory with recipes
    • Each recipe is a directory containing a recipe.toml file and source files (if not remote)
  • output_dir - directory with built packages
    • When pkger finishes building the package it will create a directory $output_dir/$os/$ver/ where it will put built .rpm or .deb package.
      • $os and $ver are taken from container during build


The recipe is divided into 3 parts:

  • Info

    • All the metadata and information needed for the build
    • pkger will install all dependencies listed in depends choosing the appropriate package manager for each supported distribution.
    • This recipe will be built for all 3 images centos, fedora, ubuntu_latest.
    • pkger will look for the image directory in f.e. $images_dir/centos.
name = "curl"
description = "curl"
arch = "x86_64"
license = "null"
version = "7.67.0"
revision = "0"
source = "curl-7.67.0.tar.gz"
depends = ["gcc", "make", "patch", "binutils", "strace"]
exclude = ["share", "info"]
provides = ["curl"]
images = [
  • Build

    • All build steps presented as a list of string
steps = [
	"./curl-7.67.0/configure --prefix=/opt/curl/7.67.0",
  • Install

    • All install steps presented as a list of string
    • destdir which is the directory where the installed files are. All the steps from build and install must result in built files in destdir which will then be archived and built into a package.
steps = ["make install"]
destdir = "/opt/curl/7.67.0"


To install pkger run cargo install pkger or clone and build this repository with crago build --release.

To use pkger you need a docker daemon running on a tcp port. After that run:

  • pkger -d $docker_address -c $config_file [RECIPES]
  • Substitute $docker_address with address like
  • Substitute $config_file with path to the config file
  • Add any amount of recipes whitespace separated at the end

To get some informative output run with RUST_LOG=pkger=trace env variable set


Example configuration, recipe and file structure can be found in example directory of master branch




~433K SLoC