2 releases

0.1.1 Sep 25, 2024
0.1.0 Sep 24, 2024

#163 in Authentication

Download history 297/week @ 2024-09-22 41/week @ 2024-09-29 5/week @ 2024-10-06

343 downloads per month

MIT license

684 lines

PassForge: CLI Password Generator

PassForge is a robust and flexible command-line interface (CLI) password generation tool built with Rust. It allows users to create secure passwords and passphrases with various customization options.


  • Generate passwords with customizable length and character sets
  • Create passphrases using a word list
  • Evaluate password strength using the zxcvbn algorithm
  • Multiple output options (single or multiple passwords/passphrases)
  • Preset configurations for quick generation
  • Extendable through Generator and StrengthEvaluator traits


To install PassForge, you need to have Rust and Cargo installed on your system. If you don't have them installed, you can get them from rustup.rs.

Once you have Rust and Cargo installed, you can build and install PassForge using the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/RakaPKS/passforge.git
cd passforge
cargo install --path .

This will install the passforge binary in your Cargo bin directory.


Here are some examples of how to use PassForge:

  1. Generate a single password with default settings:

  2. Generate a password with a specific length:

    passforge --length 20
  3. Generate a password without symbols:

    passforge --no-symbols
  4. Generate multiple passwords:

    passforge --count 5
  5. Generate a passphrase:

    passforge --passphrase
  6. Generate a passphrase with custom word count and separator:

    passforge --passphrase --words 5 --separator "_"
  7. Use a preset configuration:

    passforge --preset strong
  8. Evaluate the strength of generated passwords:

    passforge --evaluate-strength

For a full list of options, run:

passforge --help


PassForge allows for extensive configuration through command-line arguments. Here are the main configuration options:

  • --length or -l: Set the password length (default: 18)
  • --max-length: Set the maximum password length (for range-based generation)
  • --count or -c: Number of passwords to generate (default: 1)
  • --no-capitals: Exclude uppercase letters
  • --no-numbers: Exclude numbers
  • --no-symbols: Exclude symbols
  • --passphrase or -p: Generate a passphrase instead of a password
  • --words or -w: Number of words in the passphrase (default: 4)
  • --separator: Separator for words in the passphrase (default: "-")
  • --word-list: Path to a custom word list file for passphrase generation
  • --evaluate-strength or -e: Show password strength evaluation
  • --preset: Use a preset configuration (choices: Weak, Average, Strong)


PassForge is built with a modular architecture, making it easy to extend and maintain. The main components are:

  • Generator trait: Defines the interface for password and passphrase generation
  • StrengthEvaluator trait: Defines the interface for password strength evaluation
  • PasswordGenerator and PassphraseGenerator: Implement the Generator trait
  • ZxcvbnAnalysis: Implements the StrengthEvaluator trait using the zxcvbn algorithm

To run the tests:

cargo test

To run the benchmarks:

cargo bench


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.



~153K SLoC