#animation #deterministic #fixed-point #api-bindings #ozz-animation #skeletal-animation

nightly ozz-animation-rs

A rust runtime library for ozz-animation with cross-platform deterministic

6 releases

0.8.1 Mar 26, 2024
0.8.0 Mar 9, 2024
0.7.2 Feb 21, 2024
0.7.0 Jan 20, 2024
0.0.1 Jan 20, 2024

#353 in Game dev

Download history 2/week @ 2024-01-19 210/week @ 2024-02-16 37/week @ 2024-02-23 7/week @ 2024-03-01 146/week @ 2024-03-08 16/week @ 2024-03-15 119/week @ 2024-03-22 21/week @ 2024-03-29 2/week @ 2024-04-05

142 downloads per month

MPL-2.0 license

6.5K SLoC

Release Doc Crate github actions CircleCI


Ozz-animation-rs is a rust version skeletal animation library with cross-platform deterministic.

Ozz-animation-rs is based on ozz-animation library, an open source c++ 3d skeletal animation library and toolset. Ozz-animation-rs only implement ozz-animation's runtime part. You should use this library with ozz-animation's toolset.

In order to introduce cross-platform deterministic, ozz-animation-rs does not simply wrap ozz-animation's runtime, but rewrite the full runtime library in rust. So it can be used in network game scenarios, such as lock-step networking synchronize.


The library supports almost all runtime features supported by C++ version ozz, including:

  • Animation playback
  • Joint attachment
  • Animation blending (partial/additive blending)
  • Two bone IK
  • Aim (Look-at) IK
  • Multi-threading
  • SIMD (SSE2 + NEON)
  • WASM

The following functions are not supported yet:

  • User channels (developing)
  • Skinning (developing)
  • Baked physic simulation (no plan)

Ozz-animation offline features are not supported, and no plans to support. Please use the original C++ library, which has a many tools and plug-ins.


A simple demo is in ./demo folder. Enter the folder and execute cargo run.


The test cases under ./tests can be viewed as examples.

Ozz-animation-rs keeps the same API styles with original ozz-animation library. Therefore, you can also refer to the ozz-animation examples.

Here is a very sample example:

use glam::Mat4;
use ozz_animation_rs::*;
use ozz_animation_rs::math::*;
use std::rc::Rc;

// Load resources
let skeleton = Rc::new(Skeleton::from_path("./resource/skeleton.ozz").unwrap());
let animation = Rc::new(Animation::from_path("./resource/animation.ozz").unwrap());

// Init sample job
let mut sample_job: SamplingJob = SamplingJob::default();
let sample_out = ozz_buf(vec![SoaTransform::default(); skeleton.num_soa_joints()]);

// Init local to model job
let mut l2m_job: LocalToModelJob = LocalToModelJob::default();
let l2m_out = ozz_buf(vec![Mat4::default(); skeleton.num_joints()]);

// Run the jobs
let ratio = 0.5;


l2m_out.vec().unwrap(); // Outputs here, are model-space matrices


Since rust simd features are not stable, you need a nightly version rust to compile this library.


In theory, ozz-animation-rs supports all platforms supported by rust. But I only tested on the following platforms:

  • Windows/Ubuntu/Mac x64 (Github actions)
  • X64/Arm64 docker (CircleCI)

Maybe you can run cross-platform deterministic test cases under ./tests on your target platform.

Why not fixed-point?

Initially, I tried to implement similar functionality using fixed point numbers. But fixed-point performance is worse, and it is difficult to be compatible with other libraries.

With further research, I found that x64/arm64 platforms now have good support for the IEEE floating point standard. So I reimplemented this library based on f32.


~135K SLoC