#osm #osm-pbf #admin #lookup #coordinates #boundaries #r-tree

app osm-admin-lookup

Lookup the Openstreetmap admin hierarchy of coordinates

3 releases

0.1.2 Jul 20, 2020
0.1.1 Jul 18, 2020
0.1.0 Jul 18, 2020

#242 in Geospatial

21 downloads per month

MIT license

444 lines



Download OSM bundle.

curl https://download.geofabrik.de/europe/germany/berlin-latest.osm.pbf -o berlin-latest.osm.pbf

Extract administrative boundaries from OSM to speed up processing.

brew install osmium-tool
osmium tags-filter berlin-latest.osm.pbf \
  r/boundary=administrative \
  -o berlin-boundaries.pbf


cargo build --release

Create RTree

./target/release/build-rtree --bin rtree.bin --pbf berlin-boundaries.pbf

Locate point

List boundaries.

./target/release/locate -b rtree.bin -l 13.4,52.5
boundary: Berlin, level: 4
boundary: Kreuzberg, level: 10
boundary: Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, level: 9

Compile geojson file with boundaries.

./target/release/locate -b rtree.bin -l 13.4,52.5 -g boundaries.geojson
cat boundaries.geojson | pbcopy
# paste in geojson.io or similar


./target/release/bench -l 13.4303813,52.528289 -b rtree.bin
rtree:  32us 427ns (R²=1.000, 32975 iterations in 84 samples)
flat:  177us 339ns (R²=0.999, 5919 iterations in 66 samples)


~142K SLoC