#chat #interfacing #try #client #service #omegle


Library for interfacing with the chat service Omegle

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Sep 14, 2023
0.1.0 Sep 10, 2023

#46 in #interfacing

MIT license



A crate for interfacing with Omegle

Tests codecov

I wrote this crate for my Icymegle project since there wasn't really any other library that was being actively maintained. This crate might also get out of date eventually when Omegle updates their protocol, but I will try to keep it miantained as best I can.


This library is in basic working order but just because Omegle can change how it works at any point there are bound to be breaking changes introduced every so often, so use this crate with that in mind

How to use

Check out the example for some basic usage or check out my Icymegle client for a more advanced implementation.


PRs welcome, especially if Omegle decided to change something with the way the chat works. Even if you don't know anything about what changed, if you consistently get an error from Omegle just write an Issue and I'll look into it.


Most of the initial knowledge about how Omegle's protocol worked I got from this gist. Also, before starting this project I was using the omegalul-rs crate.


~253K SLoC