#md #dark-mode #markdown

app omd

A minimalistic and slick looking markdown viewer with support for hot reloading and latex

7 releases

0.2.2 Dec 25, 2024
0.2.1 Dec 25, 2024
0.2.0 Oct 26, 2024
0.1.4 Oct 21, 2024

#972 in Parser implementations

MIT license

425 lines


omd is a simple, fast, and lightweight Markdown renderer and previewer written in Rust. It allows you to convert Markdown files to HTML and preview them in your browser, either statically or with live-reload support.


  • Server Mode: Run a local server to preview your Markdown files with live-reload functionality as you edit them.
  • Static Mode: Convert Markdown files to HTML and open them directly in your default browser without running a server.
  • Clipboard Support: Render Markdown content directly from your clipboard.
  • CommonMark Extensions: Supports strikethrough, tables, footnotes, task lists, etc.
  • Full LaTeX Support: Render math equations using $...$ for inline math and $$...$$ for block math.
  • Customizable Host and Port: Specify the host and port for the server to suit your needs.



Build from Source

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone https://github.com/ptrglbvc/omd.git
    cd omd
  2. Build the Project

    cargo build --release
  3. Install

    Optionally, you can install omd to your local Cargo bin directory:

    cargo install --path .

    This allows you to run omd from anywhere on your system.

Get it from crates.io

cargo install omd

That is it.




  • -s, --static-mode: Run in static mode. Converts the Markdown file to HTML and opens it in your default browser without starting a server.
  • -C, --clipboard: Render Markdown content from your clipboard instead of a file. Cannot be used with a file argument.
  • -H, --host <HOST>: Specify the host address for the server (default: Use to make the server accessible on your local network.
  • -P, --port <PORT>: Specify the port for the server (default: 3030). Useful if the default port is already in use.
  • -h, --help: Print help information.
  • -V, --version: Print version information.


Render Clipboard Contents

Render Markdown content from your clipboard:

omd --clipboard

Server Mode (Live Preview)

Start a local server to preview your Markdown file with live-reload functionality:

omd README.md

Open http://localhost:3030 in your browser. Whenever you save changes to README.md, the browser will automatically reload to reflect the updates.

If the default port is already in use, specify a different port:

omd --port 6969 README.md

Make the server accessible on your local network:

omd --host README.md

Static Mode

Convert a Markdown file to HTML and open it in your browser:

omd --static-mode README.md
cat README.md | omd --static-mode

How It Works

  • Static Mode: Renders the Markdown to HTML, writes it to a temporary file, and opens it in your default browser.
  • Server Mode: Starts a local web server using Warp and watches the Markdown file for changes using Notify. The browser automatically reloads when changes are detected.
  • Clipboard Support: Reads Markdown content directly from your clipboard and renders it to HTML.


  • Pulldown-Cmark for parsing and rendering Markdown.
  • Warp for running the web server in server mode.
  • Notify for watching file changes.
  • Clipboard for reading Markdown content from the clipboard.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
  3. Commit your changes with clear messages.
  4. Push to your fork and submit a Pull Request.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


  • Thanks to the Rust community for their amazing crates that make projects like this possible.
  • Inspired by the need for a simple Markdown previewer without unnecessary overhead.
  • Thank you contributors, in particular dylanfair for the Linux support and phaker97 for the Latex support.


For questions or suggestions, feel free to open an issue or reach out via email at me@ptrglbvc.dev.


~421K SLoC