#url #website #command-line-tool #open-graph

app ograph-rs

A simple command-line utility to extract and print OpenGraph metadata from a given URL

1 unstable release

0.2.0 Aug 1, 2024

#1318 in Command line utilities




A simple command-line utility to extract and print OpenGraph metadata from a given URL.

[!NOTE] This project is mainly for helping me to learn Rust. If it becomes something robust and reliable in the future, then great! For now, I have no idea what I'm doing.


ograph-rs 'https://www.rust-lang.org'

At time of writing, the above command prints the following:

twitter:card "summary"
twitter:site "@rustlang"
twitter:creator "@rustlang"
twitter:title ""
twitter:description "A language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software."
twitter:image "https://www.rust-lang.org/static/images/rust-social.jpg"
og:title ""
og:description "A language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software."
og:image "https://www.rust-lang.org/static/images/rust-social-wide.jpg"
og:type "website"
og:locale "en_US"


From package registry

This package is published on our own package registry. With cargo installed, run the following:

cargo install --index sparse+https://git.average.name/api/packages/AverageHelper/cargo/ ograph-rs

Build from source

To build and run from source, you first need cargo installed. Then, clone this repository, and run:

cargo run --release -- https://example.com


~382K SLoC