Cargo Features

Norma has no features set by default.

norma = { version = "0.0.1", features = ["jack", "cuda", "flash-attn", "cudnn", "metal", "accelerate", "openssl", "spm_precompiled"] }

Enables jack of cpal

cuda cudnn? flash-attn?

Require cuda

Enables cuda of candle-core, candle-nn, and candle-transformers

flash-attn = cuda

Enables flash-attn of candle-transformers

cudnn = cuda

Require cudnn

Enables cudnn of candle-core


Only applicable to MacOS

Enables metal of candle-core, candle-nn, and candle-transformers


Enables accelerate of candle-core, candle-nn, and candle-transformers

Features from optional dependencies

openssl cfg(any()) implicit feature

Enables openssl


OpenSSL bindings

spm_precompiled cfg(any()) implicit feature